EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the text, using the words after the text. Large investments are required to drill for oil and gas

Large investments are required to drill for oil and gas. Small oil companies invest mainly in the shallow, less expensive wells drilled on land. Investments in expensive offshore wells can be afforded only by large companies.

There are different types of wells, depending on their purpose. A well is classified as a wild cat well if its purpose is to discover a new petroleum reservoir. In contrast, the purpose of a development well is to exploit a known reservoir. Rotary drilling rigs are for almost all drilling done today. The hole is drilled by rotating a bit to which a downward force is applied by using sections of heavy thick – walled pipe, called drill collars, in the drillstring above the bit. The cuttings are lifted to the surface by circulating a fluid down the drill string, through the bit, and up the annular space between the hole and the drill string. The cuttings are separated from the drilling fluid at the surface.

Rotary drilling rigs can be classified broadly as land rigs and marine rigs. The main design features of land rigs are portability and maximum operating depth. The derrick of a conventional land rig must be built on location and is often left over the hole after the well is completed. Modern land rigs are built so that the derrick can moved easily and reused. The jackknife, or cantilever derrick is assembled on the ground and then raised as a unit with the rig hoisting equipment.

Although drilling rigs differ greatly in outward appearance and method of deployment, all rotary rigs have the same basic drilling equipment. Their main component parts are the power system, the hoisting system, the fluid-circulating system, the rotary system, the well-control system and the well-monitoring system. Most rig power is consumed by the hoisting and the fluid circulating systems.

The words to be memorized:

1. to drill – бурить

2. wild cat well – разведочная скважина

3. reservoir – месторождение (нефти, газа)

4. development well – эксплуатационная скважина

5. to exploit – эксплуатировать

6. drilling rig–буровая установка

7. rotary – роторный

8. land rig – наземная буровая установка

9. marine rig – морская буровая установка

10. derrick– буровая вышка, деррик

11. location – место бурения

12. hole – скважина, ствол скважины

13. jack – knife / cantilever derrick – складная / консольная вышка

14. to assemble – собирать, монтировать

15. as a unit – целиком, как одно целое

16. hoisting system – спускоподъемная система

17. fluid circulation system– система циркуляции бурового раствора

18. rotary system – ротор, система вращения

19. well – control system – система управления скважиной

20. well-monitoring system – система текущего контроля

21. swivel – вертлюг

22. rotary hose– нагнетательный шланг

23. bell nipple – направляющий патрубок

24. blowout preventer – противовыбросовый превентор

25. emergency flow line – линия аварийного сброса

26. mud pump – буровой насос

27. drill pipe – бурильная труба, колонна

28. conductor casing – направляющая колонна, кондуктор

29. annulus/annular space – затрубное пространство

30. drill collar – воротник бура, УБТ

31. bit – бур, долото

32. deployment – развертывание, установка


Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1319;

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