EXERCISE 10 Insert the omitted word from the texts 1, 2

1. Oil is contained in __________ under the ground and in rocks under the sea. To find it, oilmen have to drill __________. The equipment for drilling these holes is the __________.

2. Equipment must be located in a way, which provides for safe operations, suitable maintenance, low cost of construction and __________ operations and compactness in location of all drilling rig components. Most rigs work on the __________ system.

3. Core taking requires application of special rock cutting tools and core receivers. __________destructing rock on bottomhole periphery leaves in the center of a __________a column of rock (core), which in the process of well deepening comes to a core receiver.

4. Core barrel is designed to receive core, protect it during __________ against mechanical damage and hydroerosive impact of ___________ and preserve it when lifting to the surface. By method of installation core barrel is designed for application of ___________ receivers with both removable and unremovable core barrels.

5. When drilling with unremovable core barrels the entire drilling string must be pulled out of the ___________ in order to retrieve to the surface core barrel filled with core. When drilling with removable core barrel there is no necessity to pull out the drilling ___________.


Rocks, drilling, hole, boreholes, drilling mud, core head, rigging, drilling rig, core, rotary, string, well.

EXERCISE 11 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with a partner.

1. The driller is making a trip for a bit. The reason for this is to make it possible for the driller to examine the bit.

2. The kelly is hexagonal. The reason for this is to make it possible for the rotary table to turn the kelly without slipping.

3. Cuttings in a well mean cracks on wellbore walls.

4. Drill pipe is hollow. The reason for this is to make it possible for the mud to pass through it.

5. Rotation drilling includes rotary and downhole engine methods.

6. Drilling cuttings are washed out to the surface with drilling mud made of clay, water and various chemicals.

7. Core bit is used for core taking along with core barrel.

EXERCISE 12 Connect the terms with their definitions.

1. Complete a well a) a process of well construction by means of rock destruction with a bit.
2. Corewell b) a method of rotation drilling in which rock is destructed by rotated by rotor drilling string with a bit on its end.
3. Drilling c) perform a series of operations in order to turn a well into pro­duction including perforating jobs, formation stimulation and initialization of flow.
4. Make up a connection d) a method of drilling in which rock destruction occurs as a result of simultaneous impact of load and torque on the bit.
5. Rotary drilling e) to screw the next drill pipe into the drilling string to continue drilling.
6. Rotation drilling f) a well drilled to identify prospect areas and prepare them for exploration drilling.

Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1043;

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