Choose the best title to the following texts. Give your reasons.
1.The Gaza Strip, sandwiched between Israel and Egypt, has been a recurring flashpoint in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict for years.
Israel occupied Gaza in the 1967 Middle East war and pulled its troops and settlers out in 2005. Israel considered this the end of the occupation, but it still exercises control over most of Gaza's borders, waters and airspace. Egypt controls Gaza's southern border.
Israel has imposed tight restrictions on the movement of goods and people in and out of the Gaza Strip, measures it says are vital for its own security.
However, Palestinians in Gaza feel confined and are suffering socio-economic hardship. The dominant Islamist Palestinian movement Hamas and other militant groups say the restrictions are intolerable.
a) Middle East conflict history
b) Palestinians’ hardship
c) Hamas and other Palestinian groups
2. Hamas's charter is committed to Israel's destruction but in recent years it has said it will consider a long-term truce with Israel. It cites Israel's continued occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem as reasons for its attacks on the Jewish state before and after 2005.
It says it is also acting in self-defence against Israeli air strikes, incursions and other military assaults.
Analysts point to the fact that Hamas has become increasingly isolated in Gaza after losing the support of its former staunch ally Syria and to a lesser extent Iran, and seeing the Egyptian authorities crack down on smuggling tunnels following the overthrow of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Attacking Israel, they say, may be a way for Hamas to try to boost its popularity and obtain concessions in any eventual long-term ceasefire.
a) Hamas’s charter
b) Hamas isolation
c) Hamas’s activities
3. The Palestinians are divided politically between the West Bank-based Fatah and Islamist Hamasmovement, which has controlled the Gaza Strip since 2007, and has condemned the talks.
Some other Palestinian groups, such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), staged protests against the talks.
Mr Netanyahu also faces internal challenges. Despite the public support for peace talks, some of his coalition partners – for example the Jewish Home party – and members of his own Likud party oppose the establishment of a Palestinian state.
More importantly, the two sides appear to have wide gaps separating their optimal positions. The Palestinians want East Jerusalem to be the capital of their state, an idea that is vehemently opposed by some parties in the Israeli cabinet, who maintain Jerusalem should be the undivided capital of Israel.
Mr Netanyahu's government is likely to insist on keeping some Israeli settlements in the West Bank or East Jerusalem as part of a final deal. Previous talks have suggested mutually-agreed land swaps with the Palestinians as a way to achieve this.
a) The Palestinians’ division
b) Overriding issues of Fatah and Hamas
c) Israeli settlements
Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 914;