Трубопроводная арматура

Трубопроводная арматура предназначена для управления потоками нефти, транспортируемой по трубопроводам. Арматура делится на три класса: запорная, регулирующая и предохранительная.

Запорная арматура (задвижки) служит для полного перекрытия сечения трубопровода, регулирующая (регуляторы давления) – для изменения давления или расхода перекачиваемой жидкости, предохранительная (обратные и предохранительные клапаны) – для защиты трубопроводов и оборудования при превышении допустимого давления, а также предотвращения обратных токов жидкости. Задвижками называются запорные устройства, в которых проходное сечение перекрывается поступательным перемещением затвора в направлении, перпендикулярном направлению движения нефти.

Регуляторами давления называются устройства, служащие для автоматического поддержания давления на требуемом уровне.

Предохранительными клапанами называются устройства, предотвращающие повышение давления в трубопроводе сверх установленной величины.


EXERCISE 13 Make up your own topic “Pipeline valves and fittings” and be ready to retell it and discuss with your group mates.



EXERCISE 1 Read and translate the texts "Heat content" and "Refining methods", using the words after the texts.



Many economic considerations effecting production of different petroleum products are related to the amount of heat escaping when they burn. To select which flows should be used as refinery fuels we should take into consideration market price of petroleum products and also their heating value.

Two processes take place during hydrocarbon burning – chemical reaction and calorification. Chemical reaction usually means turning of hydrocarbon and oxygen into carbon dioxide and water.

Amount of heat escaping during the process varies for different hydrocarbons. Amount of heat in refining industry is normally measured in British Thermal units (1 BTU=1054,8Joules=252 calories).

One British Thermal unit equals to amount of heat needed for heating of one pound of water to 1°F.

There are two types of heating value. So called the highest heating value demonstrates total amount of heat, which escapes during chemical reaction (heat of combustion), and the lowest heating value shows condition of water generated during the reaction. Part of the chemical reaction heat is spent for water evaporation. Besides, not all the heat can be used, as it comes through the burner and out of the stack. The heavier is the fuel, the lower is ratio between hydrogen and carbon in its composition, and the less water is generated when it is burnt. This situation is reflected in heat efficiency value, which is calculated as ratio of net heat to total heating value.



The most complex are refining methods including production of special valuable products, for example, lube oils or petrochemical products. Corresponding units have high complexity coefficients, which reflect CAPEX level for their construction. For example, complexity coefficient for aromatic hydrocarbons plant equals 33, and for production of olefins it is 10-20 (depending upon type of raw material and method of output product treatment). Pretty often refining method with output of chemical products (ethylene, propylene and aromatics) about 10% with complexity coefficient at least 16 is used. The idea of the analysis was to have a possibility to develop and use the chart reflecting dependability of refining costs upon its complexity accounting production scale effects.

The words to be memorized:

1. Carbondioxide – диоксид углерода (СО2)

2. fueloil – котельное топливо

3. refinery – нефтеперерабатывающий завод

4. lubeoils – смазочные масла

5. Aromatic hydrocarbons – ароматические углеводороды

6. Olefin – олефин


Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 882;

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