EXERCISE 4 Match the key - words with the definitions and translate them into Russian.
key – words:
1. Fire extinguisher
2. Personal protective equipment
3. Seat belts
4. Ear-protector
5. Preventer
A. a special rope intended for working at height
B. straps in a car to prevent passengers from falling out of it
C. a special tool for extinguishing fire
D. a means of protecting ears from laud noises
E. a means of protecting breathing organs from inhaling harmful gases
F. safety tools given for every worker
EXERCISE 5 Read the text below and match the safety rules to its explanation in the text.
The safety rules:
· Driving safety
· Confined space entry
· Lifting operations
· Energy isolation
· Management of change (MOC)
· Permit to work
· Working at heights
· Ground disturbance
BP's 8 golden rules of safety
1.________________________ : Before conducting work that involves confined space entry, work on energy system, ground disturbance or hot work in potentially explosive environments, a permit must be obtained. This should be authorized by a responsible person; it should also identify hazards, assess risk and establish control measures.
2. _________________________ : Working at heights of two meters or higher above the ground cannot begin unless the workers are competent to do this work, and the correct equipment is in place and has been inspected.
3. ___________________________ : An isolation of energy systems, mechanical, electrical, process, hydraulic and others, cannot proceed unless the method and discharge of stored energy arc agreed and executed by a competent person. They should also lest that the isolation is effective and continue to monitor effectiveness periodically.
4. __________________ : Entry into any confined space cannot proceed unless all other options have been ruled out and the area has been tested for safety. All affected personnel, including a stand-by person, should be competent and issued with a permit.
5. ____________________ : Lift utilizing cranes, hoists, or other mechanical lifting devices will not commence unless an assessment of the lift has been completed. The equipment must be certified for use and examined before each lift. The operators must be trained, and the rigging of the load must be done by a competent person.
6. _____________________ : Work arising from temporary and permanent changes to organization, personnel, system, process, procedures, equipment, products, materials or substances, and laws and regulations cannot proceed unless a Management of change process is completed. This should include a risk assessment conducted by all affected by the changes, authorization of the changes and a clear work plan for the changes.
7. ______________________ : All categories of vehicle? Including self – propelled mobile plant, must not be operated unless the vehicle has been inspected.
EXERCISE 6 Read and translate the text "Sour gas", using the words after the text.
You can expect to find Н2S anywhere in oil and gas industry. This means you can find Н2S in: wellheads, piping systems, vessels, pipelines, tanks, production facilities, pits and low spots, confined or enclosed spaces, shacks or buildings, sour spills.
You must be cautious when dealing with any confined space. When you enter a confined space, there is always possibility that Н2S may be present. The two main things to watch out for are scale and liquids. If you agitate liquids in a tank, they may relieve any Н2S they contain. The removal of scale by steam, chemicals or grinding may also cause the release of any Н2S in the scale.
Н2S may be dissolved in liquids and then be released if agitated, depressurized or heated. This means that gas in the liquids is released when they are circulated, pumped, flowed or swabbed into tanks. That is another reason why you would expect to find Н2S at the top of open tanks, gauge hatches and vent lines.
If you are near an oil and gas facility, check the wind direction by looking at the windsocks, weather vanes, tape, trees and so on. If Н2S is present, it will move downwind.Staying upwind of the facility in the event of a leak should help to keep you out of danger.
Н2S is heavier than air. This means the gas may collect in low-lying areas or be trapped by buildings, natural barriers or other confined spaces. In the event of a leak, go to high ground upwind from the source of Н2S. If downwind, head in a direction that takes you crosswind.
The words to be memorized:
1. Sour gas – сероводород (Н2S)
2. windsock – ветровой конус
3. confined space – замкнутое пространство
4.weathervane – флюгер
5.manifold – трубопровод, коллектор
6. personalmonitor – персональный детектор
7. safetymeeting – собрание по ТБ
8. airhose – воздушный шланг
9. killedlines – обесточенные линии
10. tooljoint – бурильный замок
11. safetyman – инженер по ТБ
12. alarmsystem – система сигнализации
13. emergencyshutdownsystem – система аварийного отключения оборудования
14. coveralls – комбинезон
15. filteringmask – противогаз
16. flammableandcombustiblematerials – огнеопасные и горючие материалы
17. hardhat – каска
18. hazardousindustrialfacilities – опасные производственные объекты
19. majorspill – крупный разлив
20. personal protective equipment –средства индивидуальной защиты.
Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1241;