EXERCISE 4 Translate the sentences from Russian into English, using the active vocabulary.

1. При выходе из ствола скважины буровой раствор проходит через вибросито, где шлам отделяется от раствора.

2.Мощность от двигателей передается через лебёдку к ротору при роторном бурении.

3.Колонна бурильных труб и привинченное к ней долото, которое дробит породу, вращаются ротором.

4.Кронблок, талевый блок и буровой крюк составляют талевую систему.

5.Вертлюг представляет собой шарнирное соединение и позволяет колонне бурильных труб вращаться.

6.Буровой насос закачивает в скважину буровой раствор, приготовленный в виброситах.

7.Ротор вращает квадрат, квадрат в свою очередь вращает бурильную колонну и колонна вращает бурильное долото.

8.Буровой раствор вымывает шлам из забоя скважины при бурении.


EXERCISE 5 Read and translate the text "Drilling Rig", fill in the missing words from the box before the text. There is one extra word.

oil; cuttings; crews; mud; derrick; equipment; deposits; penetrate; water; natural gas; holes; mobile

Drilling Rig

A drilling rig is a machine which creates 1. holes and/or shafts in the ground. Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing 2. used to drill 3. , 4.wells, or 5. extraction wells or they can be small enough to be moved manually by one person. They sample sub-surface mineral 6. , test rock, soil and groundwater physical properties, and to install sub-surface fabrications, such as underground utilities, instrumentation, tunnels or wells. Drilling rigs can be 7. mounted on trucks, tracks or trailers, or more permanent land or marine-based structures (such as oil platforms, commonly called "offshore oil rigs"). The term "rig" therefore generally refers to the complex of equipment that is used
to 8.the surface of the earth's crust.

Drilling rigs can be:

• Small and portable, such as those used in mineral exploration drilling and environmental investigations.

• Huge, capable of drilling through thousands of meters of the Earth's crust. Large "mud pumps" circulate drilling 9.through the drill bit and the casing, for cooling and removing the 10. "" while a well is drilled. Hoists in the rig can lift hundreds of tons of pipe. Other equipment can force acid or sand into reservoirs to facilitate extraction of the oil or mineral sample; and permanent living accommodation and catering for 11. which may be more than a hundred. Marine rigs may operate many hundreds of miles or kilometres offshore with infrequent crew rotation. Oil and Natural Gas drilling rigs can be used not only to identify geologic reservoirs but also to create holes that allow the extraction of oil or natural gas from those reservoirs. An oil or gas pumping rig, sometimes called a derrick, is used to retrieve oil/gas from a reservoir.

EXERCISE 6 Read and translate the text "Rig system".

Rig system

A rotary rig's main job is to make hole. To make hole, the drilling crew places a bit on bottom, then the driller rotates it and pumps drilling mud to it. A rig needs a multitude of equipment to make these operations happen. A first look at all the gear on a drilling rig can overwhelm you. It is, however, easy to understand a rig's components if you divide them into systems: power, hoisting, rotating, and circulating.

Power system includes:diesel engine 1, diesel engine 2, diesel engine 3 and electric motors.

Hoisting system includes:drawworks, cathead, blocks and drilling lines.

Rotating system includes:swivel, kelly, rotary table, top drive, drill pipe and drill bit.

Circulating system includes:drilling mud, mud pits, mud pumps, rotary hose, return line and shale shaker.

EXERCISE 7 Read and translate the text "Power system", fill in the missing words from the box before the text. There is one extra word.

rig; power; fuelt; driller; transfer; drilling; circulate; mix

Power system

Without 1. powernothing on a rig operates. Machinery must have an energy source to make it go. On virtually every drilling rig, the power comes from internal-combustion engines, which are called prime movers. Further, they often use diesel 2. . Because of the way diesel engines operate, they deliver more turning force, or torque, than gasoline engines. As a result, many industries, including the 3. industry, use diesels.

A 4. may need from two to four prime movers, depending on its size. The bigger the rig, the deeper it can drill and the more power it needs. Thus, big rigs have three or four prime movers. Together, they develop 4,500 horsepower (about 3,300 kilowatts) or more. In comparison, a powerful car engine may put out only 300 horsepower (220 kilowatts) or so; most develop even less.

This power must 5. to the rig's components to make them work. For example, at the same time as the rotary table needs power to turn the bit, the mud pump needs power to 6. drilling mud. What is more, to provide maximum power to a component, the 7. must also be able to combine the power of two or more engines. Two common methods transfer power on today's rigs and allow the driller to combine engine power: mechanical transmission and electrical transmission.

EXERCISE 8 Are the following statements true or false? Correct the false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with a partner.

1. The rig height is in propotion to well depth. ________

2. As a rule, big rigs have three prime movers.________

3. Diesel engines are used in drilling industry mainly because of its operation regime.______

4. There are two main ways of power transmission. ___________

5. Actually, power is generated by internal – combustion engines almost on all drilling rigs._____

EXERCISE 9 Read and translate the text "Hoisting system components", using the words after the text.

Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1118;

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