Copying Files from the PC to SkyDrive
To copy (or upload) a document, photo, or other file from your PC to SkyDrive, navigate to the destination location in SkyDrive, display the app bar and then select the Add button. A File picker screen will appear, allowing you to select one or more files from your local filesystem, as well as from various Metro‑style apps that are connected to online services of their own.
Figure 8‑52: You can download SkyDrive‑based files using the app bar.
As you select files to upload, they are added to the File picker’s basket, which runs along the bottom of the screen. This basket lets you collect files from various locations and then upload only when you’ve gotten all the files you want, no matter where they’re found throughout your PC’s filesystem and potentially on other storage services in the cloud.
Дата добавления: 2015-05-13; просмотров: 973;