Problem of political stability
In the beginning of XX century political systems have met new difficulties. In the conditions of fast changes the parliamentary forms of government were not able to react to new realities effectively: occurrence of new groups of the interests, arising conflicts. Interest to judgement of a problem of achievement of social balance, maintenance of balance of interests of various groups has increased. As the means, capable to restore dynamic balance in a society, the Italian sociologist V.Pareto considered political elite. From its point of view, evolution of a human society is history of blossoming and decline of elite which accepts all strategic to decisions on society development. Quality of the ruling elite, called to co-ordinate various groups of interests, in a solving measure defines also possibilities of development of a society.
M.Veber offered other ways of maintenance of stability. Without hoping for institutes of representative democracy (for example, parliament), he saw an exit in strengthening of the authoritative power of the charismatic leader which special talents distinguish, the valour, causing to it from the population absolute fidelity and belief. M.Veber has offered the theory плебисцитарной to democracy in which the charismatic leader leans against direct support of the people in struggle against amplifying and not accountable bureaucracy before anybody. The idea плебисцитарной democracies with the charismatic leader who would carry out a role of the independent and impartial arbitrator in all disputes, reflected for maintenance of unity of a society and its stability. Odes -
нако in practice this idea has led in Germany to an establishment of fascist dictatorship in the thirties XX century
Control questions to a theme
1. Why the political thought has arisen in the east earlier, than in the West countries?
2. How explained the state nature in the east?
3. Why in the doctrine of Konfutsija the governor leans against morals, instead of on force, how at легистов?
4. How you think, why many principles конфуцианской political philosophy are used till now in the east?
5. In what of distinction of political thought of China and India? Give the comparative analysis.
6. Whether there are distinctions in an explanation of the nature of the state at thinkers of the East and antique Greece and Rome? If yes, in what they consist? With what the aspiration and in the East countries is connected, and in the West countries to find model of the ideal state?
7. How, on Platon, there is a state and for what it exists?
8. Than the understanding of the state at Aristotle differs from its treatment Platon? By what criteria Aristotle distinguished the states?
9. How you think, why in antiquity democracy was considered as the imperfect and "perverted" form of the state?
10. What the new has brought in the political theory of Tsitseron?
11. What means concept «the mixed form of the state»? In what of its advantage?
12. Why political ideas of the Middle Ages have religious character?
13. Why the government, the state, according to Avrelija Avgustina and Fomy Akvinsky, have divine character?
14. Why N.Makiavelli is considered the ancestor of the western political science?
15. In what sense of the doctrine of N.Makiavelli about circulation of forms of the state?
16. What is «макиавеллизм»? Result concrete examples from history of Russia when the spent policy could be designated this term.
17. In what sense of the contractual theory of the state? What reasons have affected what on change to a recognition of divine character of the state the theory of "the public contract» has come?
18. In what of distinction of sights of T.Gobbs, J. Lock and ZH.-ZH.Russo on essence of the state? Whose conclusions have passed check by time and have appeared, in your opinion, more viable?
19. In what sense of the theory of division of the authorities of S.Monteske?
20. What role of the state in the theory утилитаризма I.Bentama?
21. Than the theory полисной democracies differs from the theory of democracy of A.Tokvillja?
22. Why founders of the American state aspired to limit influence of the people on the power?
23. In what of distinction of theories of division of the authorities of S.Monteske and J. Madison?
24. What the new have brought O.Kont, E.Djurkgejm and G.Spenser in a political science? How the state nature speaks them?
25. In what advantage of a bureaucratic control system?
26. Name lines of rational bureaucracy. Than it differs from totalitarian bureaucracy?
27. What value of political ideas of V.Pareto?
28. In what sense of the theory плебисцитарной M.Vebera's democracies?
Logic tasks and problem questions
1. What of statements about essence of the state is closer to true:
«The state blessing is justice», that is that (Aristotle) serves the general advantage;
«The weak people - mean, the strong state, the strong state - means, the weak people. People easing, hence - the state main task...» (The Chinese philosopher Shang Jan)?
Explain, than distinction in understanding of the nature of the state at antique philosophers and school легистов in China is caused.
2. Allocate merits and demerits in understanding of the nature and the device of the state at Ancient Greek philosopher Demokrita (460-370 BC). «State it is necessary to consider Affairs as much more important, than all other; everyone should try, that the state has been arranged well, without achieving the big honours, than to it beseems, and without grasping большей the power, than it is useful for common cause. For the state going on a right way, - the greatest support. And all consists in it: when it in well-being, all in well-being when it perishes, all perishes».
3. How you think, why in a substantiation of the divine nature of the state at medieval philosophers the thesis about «natural sinfulness» person lies?
4. In what measure there can be useful to perfection of activity of the modern states following statements:
«People unite well to live together anybody cannot reach that, living in loneliness; but good life follows virtue for virtuous life is the purpose of human association... But to live, following virtue, is not an ultimate goal of incorporated set, the purpose - by means of virtuous life to reach heavenly pleasure... To lead to this purpose - appointment not terrestrial, but the divine power» (Foma Akvinsky);
«In all positions and conditions the best means against force of an arbitrariness is to counteract it force. Application of force without powers always puts the one who applies it, in a state of war as an aggressor and the right to arrive with it in appropriate way» (grants J. Lock)?
Give reason for the answer.
5. In what, in your opinion, distinctions in definition of the nature of the state at I.Bentama and German philosopher I.Kanta:
The state purpose - satisfaction of various interests of the person. «Interests of separate persons - an essence it is unique real interests. Care of separate persons. Do not oppress them, do not allow another to oppress them, and you have enough made for a society» (I.Bentam);
«The person is an animal whom, living among other members some kind of, needs the mister. The matter is that he necessarily abuses the freedom concerning the near; and though he as a reasonable being wishes to have the law which would define borders of freedom for everything, but its self-interested animal propensity induces it where it is necessary for it, to do for itself an exception. Hence, it needs the mister who would break its own will and has forced it to submit to the conventional will at which everyone can use freedom» (I.Kant)?
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 249;