Fig. 1.2. Policy structure


Policy structure
political power
political subjects
political organization
political consciousness
political culture
political relations



водствуются in the activity. Correlating them to real conditions of own life, subjects of a policy realise the maintenance of the political interests. So the system of estimations, senses and statements which make the maintenance of political consciousness is formed. The reality estimation, participation in political life can be carried out on the basis of emotions, feelings, the experiences forming political psychology. But political participation can be rationally comprehended and to be under construction on the basis of following to system of representations - political ideology.

Realisation of the realised interests assumes interaction with other groups having other requirements, and power institutes. Character of interaction of participants of political life (confrontation between them or the consent and tolerance, political strike or cooperation) depends on a maturity of political culture of subjects, a society condition (its prosperity, stability or crisis). Arising and constantly changing

Social requirements of groups and individuals demand timely representation and satisfaction. For this purpose there is a system of institutes legislative, executive and judicial authority. It should react adequately to politically significant requirements, realise them in the form of administrative decisions, i.e. operate social processes and regulate them. However efficiency of administrative decisions appreciably depends on presence of mature system of representation of the interests, including party system, the political organisations and movements, pressure groups etc. which are capable to formulate accurately the valid requirements of groups and to finish them to power structures in the form of requirements, programs etc. the State and its bodies, party system, pressure groups, social movements make political организациюобщества, called to express valid, group and private interests.

The policy as management and management sphere can concern with public processes of various spheres of activity of the person. Depending on in what sphere of public ability to live carries out the politician the регулятивную function, distinguish economic, social, demographic, agrarian, cultural, technical, military, national etc. a policy. On обращенности politicians allocate for the decision of internal or external problems internal and foreign policy. If as subjects of a policy the people, the states, social movements and the organisations of the different countries act, and a subject of their mutual relations are questions economic, social, political, legal, military, humanitarian etc. cooperation it is a question of a world policy. All is policy versions.

Policy functions

Value and policy role as social institute are caused by functions which it carries out in a society. The quantity of functions can be various. The policy function in a concrete society is more numerous, the the society and the political sphere crushing under other spheres are less developed.

The mature civil society represents the balanced and internally co-ordinated system of interaction of various spheres of ability to live of the person. In each sphere concrete requirements by means of methods integrally inherent in given sphere are realised. For example, requirements for foodstuff, consumer goods are satisfied with economic system by means of a material interest of the manufacturer. However in traditional or transitive societies immaturity of separate spheres is compensated by excessive influence

Politicians who carries out thus functions unusual for it, interfering with various fields of activity of a society, and as a matter of fact substituting it. Thereby possibilities of self-realisation of the person are reduced. But the societies developing on the basis of politiko-ideological methods (compulsion, myths, единомыслия) have the limited resource of development though are capable to reach impressing successes. In these societies the external motivation of activity (fear, violence or, on the contrary, mass enthusiasm) is formed and the internal motivation of the person (interests and requirements) does not develop almost.

In modern societies of the politician carries out a number of the most significant functions without which they cannot normally develop.

Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 346;

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