Fig. 1.1. The maintenance of the world of a policy
The policy existed not always. Its occurrence has reflected process of complication of the social life caused by constant development of human wants and kinds of mass productive activity, called to satisfy them.
So, primitive societies of hunters and collectors were not known by politicians. To backwardness of production of goods there corresponded primitiveness of the requirements reduced to possibility of a physical survival. Нерасчлененность requirements it was defined by inability of separate individuals to independent existence, their dependence from "whole" (sorts, a tribe). These societies were not isolated yet from the nature, existed, adapting and using its possibilities (the food, natural dwellings etc.). Interactions in similar formations were based on natural, кровнородственных communications and were regulated by norms of the obshchinno-collectivist morals, the taken roots traditions, customs and beliefs.
Gradual allocation from the nature and creation of artificial inhabitancy destroyed is natural-natural character of interrelations in primitive societies. Domination "whole" over the individual weakened in process of transition from an economy appropriating to making type and gradual decomposition родоплеменной the organisations. Already in IV millenium BC, according to the American sociologists G. and J. Ленски, there were the political structures reflecting process of social, ethnic, cultural and religious differentiation. These societies included from two to four social strata, set of clans. Though dominating value in the organisation of social life kept кровнородственные communications, there were political institutes (leaders, advisers, enforcement machinery).
Independent sphere of the politician became in agrarian societies where the further perfection of instruments of production (creation of a metal plough), use of animals as draught force have etc. allowed to make products more than them it was required for satisfaction of daily requirements. There was an additional product which has considerably expanded possibilities of the person on economy development. Active investments of the property in manufacture promoted development of an exchange, trade, crafts, cities. The private property has caused occurrence essentially an important point in development of social life - isolations of the separate person, finding of qualities of the independent person not dependent on the power "whole" by it (sorts, a tribe). The independent individual with its interests and requirements became a basis of formation of the civil society which has come in the stead to "a natural society».
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 300;