Identify the infinitive construction, the form of the infinitive and translate the sentences.

1. Israeli leaders appeared to be talking more of restraint than escalation, announcing, in an unusual move, that Israel would not retaliate for the murder of an Israel soldier in Gaza by a Palestinian security officer on Saturday. (W.S.J.)

2. Critics in Israel, the American Jewish community, on Capital Hill and elsewhere say that the time has come for the president and his senior aides to publicly blame Mr Arafat for orchestrating the violence in a deliberate bid to force further Israeli concessions at the negotiating table. (N.Y.T.)

3. Israeli officials quickly and acerbically noted that Mr. Arafat seemed to be implying that “it would be O.K. to fire on us from Area B or C,” as one said –that is, territory under Israeli security control. (I.H.T.)

4. Israelis have been indifferent to Palestinian frustration and anger over a peace process that seemed to them to be going nowhere. For most Israelis, Palestinian life on the far side of the green line might as well be on the far side of the moon. (I.H.T.)

5. Mr.S. seems to doubt, however, that Mr. Barak’s imagination can reach that far, even though no other constructive course for Israel to take is now visible (I.H.T.)

6. Above all, it will be easier for Palestinians and Israelis to find solutions to these issues when they face each other as equals in a state –to state relationship, than as occupiers and their beleaguered subjects. (I.H.T.)

7. If Mr. Arafat wants Israelis to believe that he is sincere in his efforts to bring about a truce, he must see to it that not only the Palestinian police force but also the paramilitary wing of his Fatah organization works to restrain violence. (W.P.)

8. In Syria, Mrs. A. seems to have drawn a blank in her trip to Damascus on Saturday. The president of Syria looks to be stuck on the notion that the Israelis must agree to restore all war-lost territory without his having at the same time to lay out how he will satisfy Israeli considerations of security and peace in turn. The president has a way to go to keep up the polish on his reputation as a shrewd negotiator. (W.P.)

9. The U.S. Secretary of state repeated his call for Israel to ease its economic pressure on the Palestinian areas: the restriction on the movement and shipment of goods that Israel imposed citing security concerns but Palestinians say is unjustified collective punishment. (I.H.T.)

10. But as Israel, the Palestinian Authority, Jordan and even Syria make it increasingly harder for the militants’ military wing to operate, as the mainstream leaders of those nations shuffle toward peace, Hamas is finding itself squeezed on all sides like never before. (M.T.)

11. Jordanian King Abdullah II ‘s decision in late September to issue the arrest warrants of the three senior Hamas figures when they were out of the country signaled the effective end of Hamas’ operations in Jordan, a strategic location for the organization to orchestrate attacks on Israel. (M.T.)

Exercise 14 .

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 766;

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