Translate into Russian. 1. The phenotype is influenced by all the hereditary determinants and by their interactions with environment as well.

1. The phenotype is influenced by all the hereditary determinants and by their interactions with environment as well.

2. Phenotypic changes resulting from alterations within the gene itself are referred to as point mutations.

3. Mutation to lethal conditions has provided methods for measuring mutation rates that are not influenced by the subjective errors involved in scoring visible traits.

4. Paracentric inversions are commonly found in natural populations of plants and of some insects; they have been looked for in few other forms.

5. The latter result was referred to in the literature as the «absence of chromatid interference», in crossing over.

6. The phage DNA molecule, although not a nucleoprotein, is sometimes referred to as a chromosome because it comprises the assemblage of genes linked in a linear order.

7. The gone was first thought of as a unit of heredity determining a difference in phenotype and detectable if it existed in two or more different states, which come to be called alleles each with a characteristic developmental effect.

8. This initial process is followed after a delay of only about 40 milliseconds (for frog muscle at 0° C) by the coordinated contraction of all the myofilaments of the cell.

9. This analysis will be followed by a review of the experimental data.

10. Modern view is, however, strongly influenced by the known mechanisms of adaptive enzyme formation in microorganisms.

11. Hydrogen bonding groups are usually referred to as polar groups, because of their electric dipole moment.

12. This is not true of the physical world, where relationships between objects are very much influenced by their absolute dimensions.

13. It had been previously pointed out that since the hereditary result was unaffected by the direction in which the cross was made both male and female must contribute equally to the heredity of the offspring.

14. This peroxide is then acted on by peroxidase yielding active oxygen, which brings about the oxidation of the phenolic bodies.

15. These phenomena should be discussed on the organismal as well as on the cellular level and will not be dealt with here.

16. The division cycle in this organism seems to consist of an early period characterized by DNA and mass synthesis which is followed by a period without DNA or mass synthesis but with enhanced RNA synthesis.

17. An electronic excitation can be looked upon as an oscillation.

18. Water can be absorbed from isotonic saline against a moderate hydro-static pressure gradient, if the active transport of NaCl is unaffected.

19. Probably all the very simplest characters may be referred to as polygenic traits.

20. In the nonlysogenic strain, production is, of course, not followed by phage, synthesis.



Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 574;

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