Read and translate the dialogue.


- What is peripheral device?

- It’s a computer device.

- What device?

- Any input output, or storage device.

- Will you give me example, please?

- They include printers, CDs, disk drives, and other input-output and storage devices.

- Do they include the CPU?

- Peripheral device is not part of the essential computer, i.e., the memory and microprocessor.

- What are peripherals connected to?

- They are connected externally or internally to the computer’s CPU.

- What are external peripheral devices?

- They are a mouse, keyboard, printer, plotter, monitor, or scanner.

- And what are internal devices?

- The mouse is one of the most basic input devices. The keyboard is an essential for working with a computer.

- And what are integrated peripherals?

- Internal peripheral devices are often referred to as integrated peripherals.

- I can’t understand the difference between the input device and output device.

- An input device sends commands to the computer from the user. Output devices display information from the computer.


Exercise 8. Speak about computer peripheral and input devices using the phrases given below.


Peripheral is…

There are three…

The most common peripheral linking device is….

The mouse and the keyboard are ….

The keyboard ….

The mouse ….

We can interact with a computer by ….

…work for both input and output.


Дата добавления: 2015-09-02; просмотров: 698;

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