Read the text and do the tasks below.

Hello. My name is Paul Simon. I am British. I am from Bristol, which is situated on the river Avon, in the South–West of England. I’m a language student at Christ Church College in Oxford. Christ Church College is quite famous and I’m proud to be a student of it. I’m twenty. I’m not married yet, I’m single. My new friends are from various countries – Spain, Italy, France, Ger­many, Holland and Japan, too. We are very friendly but it isn’t quite easy to understand each other. You see, our accents are so different! Sabine is French. Her home town is Bordeaux. She is in her late teens. Sabine is very smart and her English is rather good. She is keen on clas­sical music and art. Mr Lewis, our language teacher is from Manchester. He is intelligent, experienced and always ready to help. My favourite subjects are Litera­ture and History. I’m also interested in Natural Sciences and I’m good at sports. My hobbies are table tennis and computer games.

Am I happy here? Yes, sure. The only trouble is my parents are far away and I feel a bit lonely sometimes.

35. Are the following sentences true or false? If false, say why.

1. Paul is British.

2. He is a History student.

3. His friends are from Britain and Holland.

4. Mr Lewis is a young and inexperienced teacher.

5. Sabine is from France.

6. It’s not easy to understand Sabine because of her French accent.

7. Paul is interested in History and Litera­ture.

8. He is keen on music and art.

9. Paul is proud to be a student at Christ Church College.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 1996;

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