Work with a partner. Complete the tag questions; act out the following dialogue.


Applying for a job



Interviewer: Come in. Please, sit down. It’s Mr Robbins, ___?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, that’s right. Good afternoon.
Interviewer: Good afternoon. Well, I’ve got your application form here. I just want to check the information. Is that all right?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, of course.
Interviewer: Now, you are 21, ___?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, I am.
Interviewer: And you are not married, ___?
Mr. Robbins: No, I’m not ___, not yet.
Interviewer: You went to secondary school and technical college, ___?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, I did.
Interviewer: But you didn’t go to university, ___?
Mr. Robbins: No, I didn’t. I started work after finishing school.
Interviewer: I see. You can speak French and Russian, ___?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, I can, but not fluently. I can speak French better than Russian.
Interviewer: But you can’t speak Spanish, ___?
Mr. Robbins: No, I’m afraid I can’t,
Interviewer: And your hobby is travelling, ___?
Mr. Robbins: Yes, it is. And I also like doing a lot of other things.
Interviewer: Well, thank you very much.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-11; просмотров: 1148;

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