Complete the sentences. 1. Although X-ray diffraction is a highly useful technique

1. Although X-ray diffraction is a highly useful technique…

2. Moreover, molecules such as proteins…

3. It is true that the individual atoms in a protein,...

4. In this respect the technique can be said…

5. It is well known that there are magnetic effects…

6. Such forces are in fact present because...

7. The usefulness of the nuclear magnetic resonance technique stems from…


Match the words from the two columns to make up collocations. Translate them into Russian.

aqueous array
considerable excursions
crystalline extent
vibrational forces
freely position
quiescent shells
frictional surroundings
electronic suspended


Translate into Russian

1. During the next stage, anaphase, the chromatids separate and move towards the respective poles, the centromeres having been divided so that every chromatid has acquired its own centromere.

2. When the chromosome groups have reached the poles, telophase will thereupon set in, which is characterized by the fact that the chromosomes appear to become less dense, it often being possible to distinguish a clear spiral structure.

3. For the localization of known genes at definite places in the chromosomes small deletions have been found to be especially useful.

4. At the same time another essential alteration has occurred, the chromosome thread having undergone repeated divisions.

5. This phenomenon is called endopolyploidy and has now been found to occur in many other tissues, in plants as well as in animals and man.

6. These translocations could also be cytologically demonstrated, full parallelism being thereby obtained between the genetical and cytological results.

7. During this work the effects of a large number of different genes were elucidated. Some organisms were then found to be especially suitable objects for such analyses.

8. In animals work was at first concentrated on rabbits, mice and guinea pigs. For the Mendelian analysis the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) became of quite overwhelming importance, as this organism turned out to be exceedingly well suited for genetic research.

9. This stage is characterized by the chromosome pairs being gathered in the equatorial plane of the cell and oriented in such a way that the centromere in one chromosome of each pair is directed towards the one pole, the centromere in the other chromosome towards the other pole.

10. That economically important characters are conditioned by many polymeric genes may also have certain advantages.

11. The knowledge that quantitative properties are usually conditioned by a large number of genes is also of great importance for interpreting the adaptation of the organisms to different environmental conditions.

12. He considered that such individual adaptation, both the direct and indirect ones arising from the use or non-use of the organs, are to a certain degree hereditary.

13. Darwin pointed out that in nature there is severe competition between different individuals, only those that are best adapted to environmental conditions being able to succeed in the struggle for life.

14. Meiosis in the males has a deviating course, no halving of the chromosome number occurring.


Translate the text into English

Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 802;

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