Where Do Nurses Work?

In hospital - in many areas, such as: obstetrics (caring for child-bearing women and infants); medical surgical units (taking care of ill adults and children); emergency departments; etc.

In the community - jobs are increasing in community nursing, where nurses focus on health promotion, education, and illness prevention. These nurses get to visit the patient's world, where they see the "whole" person by looking at their living situation and lifestyle.

On-line - technology is now more portable and nurses can do more sophisticated assessments in the community by using video technology and computers and can provide complex nursing care to people in their homes.

In the North, overseas or in independent practice - nurses can work in the North, in the armed forces, and with international health organizations. Nurses who are self-directed and enjoy the challenge of independent practice excel in the areas.

Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 2105;

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