THE ENGLISH SUMMARY OF THE BOOK 4 страница. [248] Тейлор Ф. Научная организация труда


[248] Тейлор Ф. Научная организация труда. М., 1924. С. 120.


[249] Там же. , С. 30.


[250] Тейлор Ф. Научная организация труда. М., 1924 С. 60


[251] Тейлор Ф.У. Научная организация труда. М., С. 209.


[252] Там же., С. 4.


[253] Urwick L. Management as a System of Thought. Clifftonville, Kent; L., 1955. P. Тейлор Ф. Научная организация труда. С. 171.


[254] Файоль А. Общее и промышленное управление. М., 1924; Fayol H General and industrial Management. Geneva- International Management Institute, 1929.


[255] Файоль А. Общее и промышленное управление. М., 1924. С. 83.


[256] Там же. . С. 84.


[257] Файоль А. Общее и промышленное управление. М., 1924. С. 51—53.


[258] Файоль А. Общее и промышленное управление. М., 1924. С 39


[259] Там же, С. 38

[260] Там же, С. 92.

[261] Файоль А. Общее и промышленное управление. М. , 1924. С. 74.


[262] Там же.

[263] Weber M. Essays in Sociology. N.Y., 1964. P.


[264] Без гнева и пристрастия (tarn.).


[265] Weber M. The Theory of Social and Economic Organizations. N.Y.: Free Press. 1947. P. 340.


[266] Urwick L The Elements of Administration. N.Y., 1943; Papers on the Science of Administration /Ed. by L. Gulik & L. Urwick. N.Y.; Columbia University, 1947.


[267] Papers on the Science of Administration N.Y., 1937.— P. 13.


[268] Urwick L. The Elements of Administration. N.Y., 1943. P.


[269] Papers on the Science of Administration P. 9.


[270] Papers on the. Science of Administration. P. 30, 3 1


[271] Urwick 1. The Elements of Administration. P. 51---52. 45 -46.


[272] Гвишиани Д. Организация и управление. М.: Изд-во МВТУ. 1998- С. 93,


[273] Тейлор Ф. Научная организация труда. М.. С 79.

[274] Whyte W. F. Моneу and Motivation. N.Y., 1955. P. 2, 3.



[275] Kerr C, Labor and Management in an Industrial Society. N. Y., 1964. P. 54,


[276] Mayo E. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization. L., 1949. P. 18.


[277] Мауo Е. The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization. L., 1949, P, 50.


[278] Scott W. G. Organizational Theory: Л Behavioral Analisys of Management. Homewood, 111: Richard D.lrwin, 1972.


[279] McGregor D. The Human Side of Enterprise. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1960.

[280] Argyris C. The Application Sociology. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1972.

[281] Likert R. Developing Patterns in Management. Strengthening Management for the New Technology. N.Y., 1955; Likert R. New Patterns of Management. N.Y., 1961.


[282] Bennis W. Changing Organizations. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1966.


[283] Schein Е. Н. Docs Japanese management style have a message for American managers? //Sloan Management Review, Vol. 21, 1981 P. 55—68


[284] . McGregor D. M. On Leadership /'Antioch Notes, May, 1954. P. 2 —-3.

[285] Drucker P. The practice of management. NY.: Harper & Row, 1954.


[286] Гвишиани Д. Организация и управление. М.: Изд-во МВТУ, 1998. С. 127.


[287] Leavitt H. J. Managerial Psychology. Chicago, 1958. P. 291.


[288] Leavitt H J. Managerial Psychology. Chicago, 1958. P. 301—303.


[289] Mockler R. .J. Situational Theory of Management //Harvard Business Review, Vol. 49, No3, 1971. P. 151.


[290] Там же, Р. 146.

[291] Там же

[292] Kasl F. & Rozenzweig J. Contingency Views of Organization and Management. Chicago: SRA, 1973. P. 313.

[293] Woodward J. Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice. London: Oxford, 1965.


[294] Dubin R. Supervision and productivity: empirical findings and theoretical considerations //Leadership and productivity. San Francisco, CA: Chandler, 1965.


[295] Alexander J. & Randolph W. A. The Fit Between Technology and Structure as a Predictor of Performance in Nursing Units //Academy of Management Journal, December, 1985. P. 844—859; Child J. & Mansfield R. Technology, Size and Organization Structure //Sociology, 1972. P. 369—393; Paulson S. Organizational Size, Technology, and Structure: Replication of a Study of Social Service Agencies Among Small Retail Finns //Academy of Management Journal, June, 1980. P. 341—347; Van De Yen A. H. & Delbecq A. L. A Task Contingent Model of Work Unit Structure //Administrative Science Quarterly, 1974. P. 183—197; Whithey M., Daft R. L. & Cooper W. H. Measures of Perrow's Work Unit Technology: An Empirical Assessment and a New Scale //Academy of Management Journal, March, 1983. P. 45—63.


[296] Thompson .J. D. Organizations in action. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1967; Mahoney T. A. & Frost P. J. The role of technology in models of organizational effectiveness // Organizational behavior and Human Performance, No 11, 1974. P. 122 -- 138.


[297] Burns N. & Stalker G. The Management of Innovation. London: Tavistock, 1961.


[298] Там же

[299] Lawrence P.& Lorsch J. Organization and Environment. Homewood, IL: Richard


[300] Единичные вещи (лат.). 322


[301] Cooper R. & Costa M. Sociotechnical Systems //American Psychological Review. 1971, P, 467-—474; Pearce J. A.& David F. R. A Social Network Approach to Organizational Design-Performance //Academy Management Review, July, 1983. P. 436—444.


[302] Trist E. L. & Bamforth L. W. Some Social and Psychological Consequences of Long-Wall Method of Goal-Setting //Human Relations, 1951. P. 3—38.



[303] Trist E.L. Susman G.I. & Brown G.R. An experiment in autonomous working in an American underground coal mine //Human Relations, No 30, 1977. P. 201-—236.



[304] DeGreen К. В Long wave cycles of sociotechnical change and innovation: A macropsychological perspective //Journal of Occupational Psychology. Vol. 61, No 1, 1988. P. 20.



[305] Odiorne G. S. The Management Theory Jungle and the Existential Manage //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 9, No 2, 1966. P. 109.


[306] Желанию не учатся (лат.).


[307] Litwin G. Н. & Stringer P. A. Motivation and organizational climate. Boston: Harvard Business School, Division of Research, 1966.


[308] McClelland D. C. & Bumham D. H. Power is the great motivator //Harvard Business Review, No 3—4, 1976. P. 100-110.


[309] CoUilns О. F., Moore D. G. & Unwala D. В. The enterprising man. Ann Arbor: Michigan Slate University, Bureau of Business and Economic Research, 1964.

[310] McClelland D.C. The achieving society. Princeton: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1961; McClelland D C. N-achicvcmcnt and entreprencrship: A longitudinal study //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, No I, 1965. P. 389—392.



[311] Winter D. The power motive in women and men //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 54, 1988. P. 510-519.


[312] Winter D. The power motive in women and men //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 54, 1988. P. 510-519.


[313] Побудительная сила (лат.).


[314] Maslow А.Н. Motivation and personality. New York: Harper & Row, 1954.


[315] Maslow, A. H. A theory of human motivation //Psychological Review, Vol. 50 1943 P 388—389.


[316] 1 Hall D. Т. & Nougaim К. Е. An examination of Maslow's need hierarchy in the organizational setting //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, No 3, 1968. P. 12—35; Lawlcr E. E. & Suttle J. L. A causal correlational test of the need hierarchy concept //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, No 7, 1972. P. 265--287.


[317] Alderfer С. P. An Empirical Test of a New Theory of Human Needs //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance. No 5, 1969. P. 142—75.


[318] Haire M., Ghiselli £. Е. & Porter L. Wk Cultural Patterns in the Role of the Manager //Industrial Relations, No 2, 1963. P. 95—117.


[319] Schneider C. P. & Alderfer C. P. Three Studies of Measures of Need Satisfaction in Organizations //Administrative Science Quarterly, No 12, 1973. P. 489—505.


[320] Thorndike B.L. Animal intelligence: Experimental studies. New York: Macmillan, 1911.


[321] Hull C. L. Principles of behavior. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1943.


[322] Skinner B. F. Science and human behavior. New York: Macmillan, 1953; Skinner B. F. Contingencies of reinforcement. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.


[323] Skinner В. F. The behavior of organisms. New York: Applеton-Century Crofts, 1938; Skinner B. F. Contingencies of reinforcement. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1969.


[324] Hamner W. C. and Hamner E. P. Behavior modification on the bottom line // Organizational Dynamics, No 4, 1976. P. 3—21.


[325] Ytikl G A. & Latham G. P. Consequences of reinforcement schedules and incentive magnitude for employee performance //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 60, 1975. P. 294—298; Yukl G. A., Latham G. P. & Pursell E. D. The effectiveness of performance incentives under continuous and variable ratio schedules of reinforcement //Personnel Psychology, Vol. 29, 1976. P. 221—231; Yukl G. A., Wexley K. N. & Seymour J. D. The effectiveness of pay incentives under variable ratio and continuous reinforcement schedules //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 56, 1972. P. 19-23.


[326] Pritchard R. D., Leonard D. W., Von Bergen C. W. & Kirk R. J. The effect of varying schedules of reinforcement on human task performance //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol.16, 1976. P. 205—230.


[327] Lawler E. E., Ill & Hackman J. R. Impact of employee participation in the development of pay incentive plans: A field experiment //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 53, 1969. P. 467—471; Nord W. Improving atendance through rewards //Personnel Administration, Vol. 11 — 12, 1970. P. 37—41; Pedalino E. & Gamboa V. U. Behavior modification and absenteeism. Intervention in one industrial setting //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 59, 1974. P. 694—698.


[328] Hermann J. DeMontes A. Dominguez B. Effects of bonuses for punctuality on the tardiness of indusrial workers //Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, Vol. 6, 1973. P. 563-570.


[329] Komaki J., Waddell W. M. & Pearce M. G. The applied behavior analysis approach and individual employees: Improving performance in two small businesses //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 19, 1977. P. 337—352.


[330] Komaki J., Barwick K. D. & Scott L. R. A behavioral approach to occupational safety: Pinpointing and reinforcing safe performance in a food manufacturing plant //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 63(4), 1978. P. 434—445.


[331] At Emery Air Freight: Positive reinforcement boosts performance //Organizational Dynamics, Vol. 1 (Winter), 1973. P. 41—50.


[332] Jablonsky S. F. & DeVries R. Operant conditioning principles extrapolated to the theory of management //Organizational behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 7, 1972. P. 340—358; Nord W. Beyond the teaching machine: The neglected area of operant conditioning in the theory and practice of management //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 4, 1969. P. 375—407.


[333] Campbell J. P., Dunnette M. D., Lawler Е. В., Ill & Weick К. Е. Managerial behavior, performance, and effectiveness. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1970; Georgopoulos B. S., Mahoney G. M. & Jones N. W., Jr. A path-goal approach to productivity //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 41, 1957. P. 345-353; Graen G. Instrumentality theory of work motivation: Some experimental results and suggested modifications //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 53, 1969. P. 1—25; Porter L. W. & Lawler Е. Е., III. Managerial attitudes and performance. Homewood, 111.: Richard D. Irwin, 1968.


[334] Matsui Т., Kagawa М., Nagamatsu J. & Ohtsuka Y. Validity of expectancy theory as a within-person behavioral choice model for sales activity //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 62, 1977. P. 764--767; Muchinsky P. M. A comparison of within-and across-subjects analyses of expectancy-valence model for predicting effort // Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 20, 1977. P. 154—158.


[335]Locke E. A. Toward a theory of task motivation and incentives

//Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 3, 1968. P. 157-189.

[336] Elzioni A. Modem Organization. Englcwood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964.


[337] Simon H. A. On the Concept of Organizational Goal //Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol. 9, 1964.


[338] Steers R. M. and Porter L. W. Motivation and Work Behavior --- N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1983.


[339] Ivancevich J. M., Donnelly J. H. and Lyon H. L. A Study of the Impact of Management by Objectives on Perceived Need Satisfaction //Personnel Psychology, Vol. 23, 1970. P. 139—151.


[340] Latham G. Р. & Yukl G. A. A review of research on the application of goal setting in organizations //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 18, 1975. P. 824—845.


[341] Locke E. A., Shaw K. N.. Saari L. M. & Latham G. R Goal setting and task performance: 1969-1980 //Psychological Bulletin, Vol. 90, 1981. P. 125—152; Locke E. A. The ubiquity of the techniques of goal setting in theories and approaches to employee motivation //Academy of Management Review, Vol. 4, 1979. P. 193—201.


[342] Luthans F. & White D. D. Behavior Modification: An Application to Manpower Management //Personnel Administration, Vol. 34, No 4, 1971; Nord W. R. Beyond the Teaching Machine: The Neglected Area of Operant Conditioning in the Theory and Practice of Management //Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, Vol. 4, 1969.


[343] Luthans F & Kreitner R. Organizational Behavior Modification. Glenview, 111.: Scott. Foresman, 1975.


[344] Luthians F. & Kreitner R. The Management of Behavioral Contingencies //Personnel, Vol. 51, No 7—8, 1974.


[345] Luthians F. & Kreitner R. The Management of Behavioral Contingencies //Personnel, Vol. 51, No 7—8, 1974

[346] Locke E. A. . The Relative Effectiveness of Four Methods of Motivating Employee Performance. Changes in Working Life. N.Y.: John Wiley and Sons, 1980.


[347] Lawler Е. Е., III. Pay and organizational effectiveness. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1971


[348] Babchuk N. & Goode W. J. Work incentives in a self-dеtеrminеd group //American Journal of Sociology, Vol. 16, 1951. P. 679—687.


[349] Latham G. P. and Wexley К. N. Increasing Productivity through Performance Appraisal. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wеsley, 1981.


[350] Moore В. Е. & Ross Т. L. The Scanlon Way to Improved Productivity NY .:John Wiley and Sons, 1978.


[351] Odell С. Gainsharing: Involvement, Incentives and Productivity. N.Y.:AMACOM, 1981.


[352] Drucker P. F. The Practice of Management. N.Y.: Harper and Row, 1954.


[353] French W. L. & Hollmann R. W. Management by Objectives: The Team Approach // California Management Review, Vol. 17, No 3, 1975.


[354] Miller F. С., Dhaliwal Т. S. & Magas L. J. Job Rotation Raises Productivity //Industrial Engineering, Vol. 5, 1973.


[355] Ouchi W. Theory Z. Philippines: Addison-Wesley, 1981.


[356] Herzberg F., Mausner B. & Snyderman B. The Motivation to Work. 2nd ed. N.Y.: John Wiley, 1959.

[357] Dunham R. Reactions to Job Characteristics: Moderating Effects of the Organization //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 20, 1977; Hackman J. R. & Lawler E. E. Employee Reactions to Job Characteristics //Journal of Applied Psychology Monograph, Vol. 55, 1971; Hackman J. R. & Oldham G. R. Development of the Job Diagnostic Survey //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 60, 1975; Ferratt T. W., Dunham R. B. & Pierce J. L. Self-Report Measures of Job Characteristics and Affective Responses: An Examination of Discriminant Validity //Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 24, No 4, 1981.


[358] Ford R. N. Job enrichment lessons from AT&T //Harward Busiiness Review, No 1—5, 1973. P. 96 — 106.


[359] Paul W. J., Jr., Robertson K. B. & Herzberg F. Job enrichment pays off//Harward Business Review, Vol. 47, No 3—4, 1969. P. 61—78.


[360] Corporate Culture //Business Week, No 10, 1980. P. 148—160.


[361] Kilmann R... Saxlon M. J. & Serpa R. Issues in Understanding and Changing Culture // California Management Review, Winter, 1986. P. 89.


[362] Smircich L. Concepts of culture and organizational analysis //Administrative Science Quarterly, Vol.28, 1983. P. 339—358.


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[364] Schein E.H. The Role of the Founder in Creating Organizational Culture //Organizational Dynamics. Summer, 1983.


[365] Harris Р. Р. & Моrап К. Т. Managing Cultural Differences. Gulf Publishing Company, 1991.


[366] Schein E.H. The Role of the Founder in Creating Organizational Culture. Organizational Dynamics. Summer 1983, p.21-24.


[367] Маратами М. Современная технология и экономическое развитие Японии. М.: Экономика, 1986.


[368] Buchholz. R. An empirical study of contemporary beliefs about work in American society //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 63, 1978. P. 219—227; Furnham A. Work values and beliefs in Britain //Journal of Occupational Behavior. Vol. 5, 1984. P. 281—291; Wоllack S.. Goodale J., Witjting J. & Smith P. Development of the Survey of Work Values //Journal of Applied Psychology, Vol. 55, 1971. P. 331—338.


[369] Fumsella F., Bannister D. Manual for repertory grid technique. L.: Academic Press. 1977.


[370] Занковский А. Анализ базовых «координат» организационных культур: когнитивные репрезентации организационных понятий в сознании российских и японских менеджеров //Психологический журнал, № 3, 1996.

[371] Sathe V. Culture and Related Corporate Realities. Richard D. Irvin, Inc., 1985.


[372] Питерс Т., Уотерман Р. В поисках эффективного управления. М., 1986.


[373] Parsons T. Structure and Process in Modern Societies. N.Y.: Free Press, 1960. P. 17.


[374] Hofstede О. Culture's consequences. CA: Sage Publications, 1980; Hofstede C. Cultural Constraints in Management Theories //Academy of Management Executive, Vol. 7, No I, 1993; Hofilede G The interaction between national and organizational value systems // Journal of Management Studies, Vol. 22(4),1985. P. 338-357


[375] Ouchi W. Theory "Z": How American Business can meet the Japanese challenge. Reading. MA.: Addison-Wesley, 1981.


[376] Sathe V. Culture and Related Corporate Realities. Richard D. Irvin. Inc., 1985.


[377] Beer M. Organizational Change and Development. Glenview, 111.: Scott, Foresman,1980; Huse Е. F. Organizational Development and Change. St.Paul. Minn.: West, 1975; Margulies N. & Raia A, P. Conceptual Foundations of Organizational Development N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1978.


[378] Burke W. W. & Schmidt W. H. Management and Organizational Development //Personnel Administration, No 3. 1971. P. 45.


[379] Leavitt H. J. Applied Organization Change in Industry: Structural, Technological, and Human Approaches //New Perspectives in Organization Research. N.Y.: John Wiley, 1964.


[380] Greiner L. Е. Patterns of Organization Change //Harvard Business Review, No 5—6, 1967. P. 119 — 130.


[381] Agnew Р. С. & Hus F. L. К. Introducing Change in a Mental Hospital //Human Organization, Winter, 1960. P. 168.; Cramer L. E. Patterns of Organization Change //Harvard Business Review, No 5—6, 1967. P. 119 130.


[382] Greiner L. Е. & Barnes L. В Organization Change and Development //Organizational Behavior and Administration /Ed. by P. R. Lawrence, L .B. Barnes & J. W. Lorsch. Homewood, 1L.: Richard Irwin, 1976. P. 625—626.


[383] Lewin К. Group Decision and Social Change //Readings in Social Psychology. Ed. by T. Newcomb & E. Hartely. N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1947.


[384] Greiner L. Е. & Barnes L .В. Organization Change and Development //Organizational Behavior and Administration /Ed. by P. R. Lawrence, L. B. Barnes & J. W. Lorsch. Homewood, IL.: Richard Irwin. 1976. P. 625—626.


[385] Dalian G. D. Influence and Organizational Change //Paper read at a conference on Organization behavior models. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University, 1969.


[386] Guest R. Organizational Change: The Effect of Successful Leadership. Homewood, IL: Richard Irwin, 1962; Seashore S. E. & Bowers D. G. Changing the Structure and Functioning of an Organization. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Survey Research Center, Monograph No. 33, P. 16.


[387] Mowrer O- H. The New Group Theory. Princeton, N.J.: Van Nostrand, 1964; Frank J. Persuasion and Healing. N.Y.: Schocken, 1983. P. 132.



[389] Frank J. Persuasion and Healing. N.Y.: Schocken, 1983. P. 132.


[390] Fleishman Е. A., Harris Е. F. & Burn H. Е. Leadership and Supervision in Industry.Columbus, Ohio: Bureau of Educational Research, Ohio State University, 1955.


[391] Roethlisberger F. J. & Dickson W. J. Management and the Worker. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University, 1939.


[392] Friedlander F. & Brown L. D. Organizational Development //Annual Review of Psychology /Ed. by M. R. Rosenzwcig and W. Porter. Palo Alto, Calif.: Annual Reviews, 1974. P. 313—341.


[393] French W. The Personnel Management Process. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1974; Burke W. W. Organization Development: Principles and Practices. Boston: Little, Brown, 1982.


[394] Campbell J. Р. & Dunnette M. D. Effectiveness of T-Group Experience in Managerial Training and Development //Psychological Bulletin, No 8, 1968. P. 73—104; Lieberman M., Yalorn I. D. & Miles M. B. Encounter: The Leader Makes a Difference //Psychology Today, No 3, 1973. P. 69-76.


[395] Campbell J. P., Dunnette M. D., Lawler E. E. Ill, & Weick К. Е., Jr. Managerial Behavior, Performance, and Effectiveness. N.Y.: McGraw-Hill, 1970. P. 323.


[396] Campbell J. Р. & Dunnette M. D. Effectiveness of T-Group Experience in Managerial Training and Development //Psychological Bulletin, No 8, 1968. P. 73—104; Lieberman M., Yalorn I. D. & Miles M. B. Encounter: The Leader Makes a Difference //Psychology Today, No 3, 1973. P. 69-76.


[397] Bowers D. G. Organizational Development Techniques and Their Results in 23 Organizations; the Michigan ICL Study //Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, No 1—2, 1973. P. 21—33; Brown L. D. Research Action: Organizational Feedback, Understanding, and Change //Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, No 11 — 12, 1972. P. 697—774; Nicholas J. M. The Comparative Impact of Organization Development Interventions on Hard Criteria Measures //Academy of Management Review, No 10, 1982. P. 535— 536.


[398] Alderfer C. P. & Ferriss R. Understanding the Impact of Survey Feedback // The Social Technology of Organizational Development /Ed. by W.W. Burke & H. A. Hornstein. Fairfax, Va.: NTL Learning Resource Corp, 1972. P. 234—243.


[399] Schein Е. Н. Process Consultation: Its Role in Organizational Development. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1969. P. 9.

DeMeuse K. P. & Liebowitz S. J. An Empirical Analysis of Team-Building Research // Group and Organization Studies, No 9, 1981. P. 357—378;


[400] Colembiewski R. Т., Proehl C. W., Jr. & Sink D. Estimating the Success of OD Applications //Training and Development Journal, No 4, 1982. P. 91.


[401] Goodman P. S. & Kurke L. В. Studies of Change in Organizations: A Status Report // Change in Organizations /Ed. by P. S. Goodman. San Francisco: Josscy-Bass, 1982.


[402] Андреева Г. М. Социальная психология. М.: МГУ, 1988. С. 223.


[403] Ringelmann M. Recherches sur les moteurs animes: Travail de 1'homme. Annalos de 1'lnstitut National Agronomiquc, 2e serie-tome XII, 1 — 40, 1913; Moede W. Die Richtlinien der Leistungs-Psychologie //Industrielle Psychotechnik, 4, 1927, S. 193— 209


[404] Steiner I. D. Group process and productivity. N.Y.: Academic Press, 1972.


[405] Latane В., Williams K., & Harkins S. Many hands make light the work: The causes and consequences of social loafing //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol. 37, 1979. P. 822—832.


[406] Ingham A. G., Levinger G., Graves J. & Peckman V. The Ringelmann Effect: Studies of Group Size and Group Performance //Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, No 10, 1974. P. 371— 384.


[407] Zajone R. В. & Brickman P. Expectancy and feedback as independent factors in task performance //Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, No 11, 1969. P. 148— 156; Davis J. H. Group performance. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1969; Latane B. & Darley J. M. The unresponsive bystander: Why doesn't he help? N.Y.: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1970

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