The Konfliktological theory of the power
From positions of the theory of social conflictology which was developed by K.Marx, F.Engels, V.I.Lenin and their followers, the power is considered as the relation of domination and submission of one class by another. The nature of the given domination is caused by an economic inequality, a place and a class role in economic system of a society. The possession provides with the property economically to a ruling class possibility to subordinate to the will economically dependent classes. For example, the political power of bourgeoisie over proletariat is caused by its economic domination and possibilities of the state compulsion. The economic inequality forms a basis of all other forms of a social inequality which is not settled only by class distinctions. It is more diverse and includes professional, ethnic, половозрастные, regional and cultural distinctions. Therefore the power appears everywhere where there is an inequality. According to this concept the power should be distinguished from domination.
The Dualistic concept of the power
So, the French political scientist M.Djuverzhe has allocated two elements in the power: material compulsion; belief, belief from submitting that such submission is laudable, fairly, lawfully. In the absence of the second element it any more the power, and domination. Domination - narrower concept, than the power, also is connected with application of force which can be expressed in different forms, such as physical violence, economic compulsion, pressure from the organised collective etc. the Power can be carried out and without direct violence, leaning against force of authority (probability of voluntary submission).
Marking presence of two elements of the power, M.Djuverzhe underlined that as sources of realisation of the power serve violence and beliefs of subjects of political process, first of all their belief in necessity of the power in general and belief in its legitimacy (legality, justice). The power duality (it is not casual M.Djuverzhe figuratively names its two-faced Janus) is expressed that it, on the one hand, is the tool of domination of one groups of a society over others, and with another - acts as an effective remedy of integration and maintenance of social solidarity of all members of a society for the general blessing.
Being social on the essence, the power passes together with a society a difficult way of changes, first of all changes of its forms. In primitive societies the power was anonymous, "sprayed" among members of a sort, a tribe. It was shown in aggregate beliefs and customs which rigidly regulated to the individual -
альное behaviour. However, strictly speaking, the power had no political character. Complication of social requirements and occurrence of new kinds of activity for their satisfaction have considerably lifted intensity of interactions of individuals. It has demanded concentration there is no time the sprayed power in hands of leaders, groups, for effective reaction to arising problems. Thus, the anonymous form of the power has conceded место индивидуализированной.
However process of increase of a social inequality has found out weakness of the individualised power as means of the permission of deep social conflicts. Therefore has begun институциализация the authorities, that is she began to lean in the activity against the special institutes which are carrying out such functions as expression of the general interests, management, maintenance of the social world and an order, etc. As a result the power has got political character and was expressed in activity of the state, parties and other organisations.
The power as the public phenomenon has a number of specific "measurements": 1) it is expressed in functioning of certain institutes (state, public); 2) it is connected with activity of leaders, elite, weights (that is it is shown in actions); 3) leans against system of means and methods of imperious influence (the bases and power resources); 4) changes (for example, decrease or increase of legitimacy, efficiency are peculiar to it; change of a parity of functions legislative and executive powers); 5) results (consequences) of realisation of the power.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 314;