Выберите правильную форму причастия. Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard.

Translate the words (writing, written) on the blackboard.

We could not see the sun (covering, covered) by dark clouds.

(Going, gone) alone the street, I met Mary and Ann.

Yesterday we were at a conference (organizing, organized) by the students of our group.

It was not easy to find the (losing, lost) stamp.

“How do you like the film?” he asked (turning, turned) towards me.

Underline the Gerund and translate the sentences into Russian.

Подчеркните герундий и переведите предложения на русский язык.

The criminal should have no hope of getting away with his crime and consequently of going unpunished.

The problem may be summarized by saying, that a criminal offence against any private right is punishable by the state.

A person arrested at a crime scene for having committed an offence must be brought before a magistrate within a limited period of time.

The principal responsibility of the central government for preserving law and order throughout GB is reflected in the police powers vested by Parliament in the Home secretary.

Instead of being placed in jail the accused was released on bail.

The witness insisted on having seen the criminal quite clearly.

Use Infinitive or Gerund.

Употребите инфинитив или герундий.

If the arrest is made as a result of (to observe, observing) a law violations, an investigation is conducted to determine whether or not a crime was committed.

Mobility has given people the opportunity (to commit, committing) crimes far away from home.

I suggest (to see, seeing) this film.

I couldn’t help (to smile, smiling).

Read and translate the text in written form.

Прочтите и переведите текст письменно.

The Capitol.

The Capitol is the seat of the US Congress. Building of the Capitol in Washington, D. C., was begun in 1793. Its cornerstone was laid by the President amid great pomp. Music sounded and artillery fired salutes as George Washington declared the stone “well and truly laid”.

In 1800 the building was partly completed, and Congress, removing from Philadelphia, met here, for the first time in the new capital. Here the manifold political forces affecting the destinies of the land met in dramatic conflicts.

The Capitol Building dominates all Washington. It stands on the crest of a hill rising above the Potomac River. The site was chosen by Pierre L’Enfant when he sought to lay out the capital. The Capitol consists of a central building crowned by a great dome and connected at each end by galleries with a large wing. The north wing contains the Senate Chamber, and the south wing – the House of Representatives.

The great central dome appears too heavy for the low facade. Topping the dome is the 19-foot bronze statue of Freedom by Thomas Crawford. She watches, calm and unruffled, over all the things that are done in her name in the building below. The 36 columns, which surround the lower part of the dome, represent the states in the Union at the time this impressive structure was designed. Beneath the dome is a monumental hall called the Rotunda, decorated with works of art relating to American history.

Both chambers of the Congress are open to public, they have visitors’ galleries, there is a special gallery for foreign diplomats. Special places are set aside for press, radio and TV representatives. Inside the Capitol, among the most precious relics of the past, the original of the Declaration of Independence may be seen. The names of those who had signed it are hardly visible except John Hancock’s bold signature, written so that the King of England might read it without his spectacles.

Inaugurations of president and vice-presidents are held in front of the Capitol.

Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 1365;

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