Overview of the skill. Bandages are narrow strips of fabric, gauze, or elastic material used on wounds to aid and promote the healing process

Bandages are narrow strips of fabric, gauze, or elastic material used on wounds to aid and promote the healing process. Bandages are used to cover wounded areas, hold dressings in place, and reduce edema. Bandages may also be used to apply pressure or support to a specific area without compromising circulation, alignment, or mobility. Gauze bandages are readily available in a variety of widths, so the size of the bandage can be chosen to correspond to the size of the wound and body part involved. Another advantage of gauze is that it is porous, which promotes healing by allowing the circulation, of air.

Elastic bandages are also available in a variety of widths and have the added advantage of applying more pressure/compression because of their elastic quality. Therefore, they are used more often to prevent edema on lower extremities (see Skill 10-1 on applying elastic bandages).

Fabric bandages are not routinely used. Fabric bandages can be made, however, from many available sources. These can be used in emergency situations.

Дата добавления: 2015-06-10; просмотров: 1425;

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