Вопросительная форма в английском языке во всех временах

Общий вопрос
Вспом. глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + второстепенные члены
  Present Past Future
Simple Do/ Does + S + V? Did + S+V? Will/Shall + S + V?
  Do you listen to BBC news every day? Did you listen to BBC news? Will you listen to BBC news?
Continuous Is/ Am/ Are + S + Ving? Was/Were + S + Ving? Will/ Shall + S + be + Ving?
  Are you listening to BBC news? Were you listening to BBC news? Will you be listening to BBC news?
Perfect Has/ Have + S + Ved (V3)? Had + S + Ved (V3)? Will/ Shall+ S + have+ Ved (V3)?
  Have you listened to BBC news? Had you listened to BBC news? Will you have listened to BBC news?
Perfect Continuous Have + S + been + Ving? Had + S + been + Ving? Will/shall + S + have + been + Ving?
  Have you been listening to BBC news? Had you been listening to BBC news? Will you have + been listening to BBC news?
Специальный вопрос
Вопросительное слово(Wh) + вспом. глагол + подлежащее + сказуемое + второстепенные члены
Simple Wh + do/ does + S + V? Wh + did + S + V? Wh + will/shall + S + V?
  What do you listen to every day? What did you listen to yesterday? What will you listen to tomorrow?
Continuous Wh + is/am/are + S + Ving? Wh + was/were + S + Ving? Wh + will/shall + S + be + Ving?
  What are you listening to? What were you listening to? What will you be listening to?
Perfect Wh + have/has + S + Ved (V3)? Wh+ had + S + Ved (V3)? Wh + will/ shall+ S + have+ Ved (V3)?
  What have you listened to? What had you listened to? What will you have listened to?
Perfect Continuous Wh + have + S + been + Ving? Wh+ had + S + been + Ving? Wh + will/ shall+ S + have + been + Ving?
  What have you been listening to? What had you been listening to? What will you have been listening to?
Разделительный вопрос
Предложение, вспом. глагол + (not) + местоимение (выражающее подлежащее)
Simple S + V + …, does/ do/ are/is+ (not) + Spronoun? S + V2(Ved) + …, did + (not) + Spronoun? S + will + V + …, will + (not) + Spronoun?
  You listen to BBC news every day, don’t you? You listened to BBC news yesterday, didn’t you? You will listen to BBC news tomorrow, won’t you?
Continuous S +am/are/is+ Ving + …, am/are/is + (not) + Spronoun? S +was/were+ Ving + …, was/were + (not) + Spronoun? S + will + be + Ving + …, will + (not) + Spronoun?
  You are listening to BBC news, aren’t you? You were listening to BBC news, weren’t you? You will be listening to BBC news, won’t you?
Perfect S +have/has+ Ved(V3) + …, have/has + (not) + Spronoun? S +had+ Ved(V3) + …, had + (not) + Spronoun? S + will + have + Ved(V3) + …, will + (not)+ Spronoun?
  You have listened to BBC news, haven’t you? You had listened to BBC news, hadn’t you? You will have listened to BBC news, won’t you?
Perfect Continuous S +have/has+ been + Ving+ …, have/has + (not) + Spronoun? S +had+ been + Ving + …, had + (not) + Spronoun? S + will + have +been + Ving+ …, will + (not)+ Spronoun?
  You have been listening to BBC news, haven’t you? You had been listening to BBC news, hadn’t you? You will have been listening to BBC news, won’t you?
Вопрос к подлежащему
Who (What) + глагол + второстепенные члены
Simple Who (What) + Vs? Who (What) + Ved? Who (What) + will + V?
  Who listens to BBC news every day? Who listened to BBC news yesterday? Who will listen to BBC news tomorrow?
Continuous Who (What) + is + Ving? Who (What) + was + Ving? Who (What) + will + be + Ving?
  Who is listening to BBC news? Who was listening to BBC news? Who will be listening to BBC news?
Perfect Who (What) + has + Ved(V3)? Who (What) + had + Ved(V3)? Who (What) + will + have + Ved(V3)?
  Who has listened to BBC news? Who had listened to BBC news? Who will have listened to BBC news?
Perfect Continuous Who (What) + has + been + Ving? Who (What) + had + been + Ving? Who (What) + will + have + been + Ving?
  Who has been listening to BBC news? Who had been listening to BBC news? Who will have been listening to BBC news?

Альтернативный тип в таблицу вопросов в английском языке отдельно вносить не стоит. По форме он совпадает с general question (в большинстве случаев), только добавляется к одному из членов «or». А все остальное согласно общей схеме. Также общий и специальный имеют много схожего. Единственное различие — это вопросительное слово на первом месте. А вот с who-question стоит немного напрячься. Обратите внимание, что в любом из времен (особенно касается настоящих) глагол стоит в третьем лице единственного числа.

Present Simple (Present Indefinite)

Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; просмотров: 2178;

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