1. Поставьте глаголы в The Past и The Future Indefinite, употребляя соответствующие индикаторы.
1. He plays tennis twice a week. 2. She learns French and German. 3. We keep our car in the garage. 4. They often make mistakes. 5. I help my mother about the house. 6. They do their shopping every day. 7. We go to the University by metro. 8. The classes begin at. 9. I stay at school till 2 o'clock. 10. If often rains in October. 11. Tom gets excellent marks in English
Поставьте предложение в вопросительную и отрицательную формы.
1.Den Studies at the University. 2. They usually buy newspapers in the morning. 3. The teacher asks many questions. 4. He entered the Law faculty. 5. My friend saw an interesting film yesterday. 6. They got to the country by bus. 7. Nick will work as a teacher. 8. We shall make coffee for him. 9. Her cousin will go abroad next week.
3. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.
1. Do you walk to school? - Yes, I .../ No, I ....
2. Does he drive a car? - Yes, he .../ No, he ....
3. Did it often rain last autumn? - Yes, it.../ No, it....
4. Did they go to bed early yesterday/- Yes, they.../ No, they....
5. Will she come to see us soon? – Yes, she…./ No, she ….
6. Shall we meet at the station? –Yes, we…/ No, we ….
Поставьте вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. The train leaves at eight. 2. We have supper at 8 p.m. 3. Old ladies like to sit by fire. 4. Hisgrandparents live in Gomel. 5. He visits his grandparents very often. 6. Her brother made threemistakes in his test. 7. He worked at a plant last year. 8. They will remember this day for ever. 9. She has a headache, so she will not go to school. 10. He will buy this interesting book.
Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; просмотров: 1779;