Exercise 5. Combine the following words and word-groups into sentences paying special attention to the position of adverbs.
1. Everything, she, has, discovered. 2. She, my heart, in two has cut. 3. Yet, has, she, not left, her room. 4. Once, only, has, there, been, he. 5. Just, me, he, told, about his friend, has. 6. Up to town, gone, your outfit, she, to buy, has. 7. Never this, from town, come, I, have, you, to tell. 9. Often, spoken, has, to us, he, on the subject. 10. Returned, have, sooner, I expected, than, I.
Exercise 6. Translate into English using the Present Perfect.
1. Что случилось? 2. Куда он ушел? 3. Я уже прочитала эту книгу. 4. Начался дождь. 5. Я его еще не видела. 6. Мать уже испекла булочки. 7. Ты когда-нибудь катался на коньках по замершей реке? 8. Сегодня я не была в библиотеке. 9.Реки и пруды уже замерзли. 10. В этом году я часто видела их в кино. 11. Я не встречала его с весны.
Exercise 7. Insert predicates in the Present Perfect or in the Past Simple and other missing parts of the sentence using the phrases in brackets.
A.The doctor … today (to visit ten of his patients). 2. His brother …. that day. (not to go to the picture). 3. It …the day before yesterday. (to rain heavily). 4. The professor …two days ago. (to examine him). 5. He…the other day. (to call on us).
B.1. The tourists … this week. (to arrive here). 2. Mother … that week. (to take the children to the Zoo). 3. My husband and I…last week. (to be at the theatre). 4. The children …a week ago. (to come from the country). 5. My aunt … for a week. (to stay with us).
Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; просмотров: 2465;