Exercises. Exercise 1. Определите функции сказуемых в Continuous Tenses (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения:

Exercise 1. Определите функции сказуемых в Continuous Tenses (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения:

1. We are answering to the questions on the new text. Are you answering to the questions on this text? Yes, I am. And is your friend answering to the questions on the new text? No, he isn’t.

2. He is correcting his mistakes now. Is he correcting his mistakes now? Yes, he is. And are you correcting your mistakes now? No, I am not.

3. They are working at their English now. What are they working at? Are they working at German? No, they aren’t. They are not working at German, they are working at English.

4. He is learning new words here. What is he doing here? Is he writing new words from the text? No, he isn’t. He is not writing new words. He is learning them.

5. We are translating a new text now. What are you doing now?

I am translating a new text.

6. I was reading a newspaper at 7 in the evening. And what were you doing at that time? I was preparing my home task for the next lesson.

7. We were doing our exercises from 5 till 6. What were you doing at that moment? I was playing chess.

8. They were speaking French when the teacher came in. What were they doing when the teacher came in? Were they playing chess? No, they weren’t. They were not playing chess when the teacher came in. They were speaking French.

9. He was correcting his mistakes from 6 till 7. Was he correcting his mistakes all day long? No, he wasn’t. He was not correcting his mistakes all day long.

10. My friend was talking to Professor Ivanov when I saw him. Who was your friend talking to when you saw him?

11. Were you busy last night? Yes, I was. I was preparing for my examination in tactics. And what about you? I was watching the TV programmes.

12. Colonel Petrov will be lecturing on the international situation tomorrow at 10 o’clock. Will colonel Petrov be lecturing at 12 o’clock? No, he won’t. He will be lecturing at 10 o’clock.

13. I shall be still studying Criminalistics from 8 till 9. What will you be doing tomorrow from 8 till 9? Will you be listening to the radio news at that moment? No, I shan’t.

14. Will you be writing a test at 12 o’clock? No, I shan’t. I shall be working at our laboratory.

15. We shall be discussing the problems of physical training in the camp? Tomorrow at 9.

16. After the lessons the cadets will be lining up to go to the mess for dinner. When will the cadets be lining up to go to the mess for dinner? After the lessons they will be lining up to go for dinner.

17. During the hours of independent work the cadets will be preparing for the next day lessons. What will the cadets be doing during the hours of independent work? Will they be preparing for the next day lessons? Yes, they will.

Exercise 2. Поставьте по смыслу глаголы в Continuous Tenses (Present, Past, Future) и переведите предложения:

1. They (to watch) hockey on TV now. 2. We (to read) books and newspapers in our Lenin’s room from 4 till 5. 3. Yesterday during the hours of independent work we (to study) field manuals and regulations. 4. We (to listen) to a lecture when our commander came in. 5. Our cadets (to take part) in the military parade on the 7th of November at 10 o’clock in the morning.

Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; просмотров: 1131;

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