Choose the correct word from the topic to compete the gaps in the sentences.

1. Every year London … crowds of tourists.

2. Walking around London you can see and … the beauty of the city, its monuments and sights.

3. For many centuries the Tower was a fortress, a … , a palace and royal treasury.

4. St. Paul’s Cathedral is … to St. Paul.

5. Legend says if the … leave the Tower, the monarchy will fall.

6. Westminster Abbey is … in appearance and size.

7. … was surrounded by the invaders.

8. Lewis Carroll is a great … and the author of the book “Alice in Wonderland”.

9. Our restaurant is famous for its … of dishes.

10. Buckingham palace is the official home of the English … family.

11. How do you want to … your birthday?

12. John and Kate are going to get married. Their … will take place in June.

13. The people protested against the … of the country.

14. When a person is arrested, he is taken to a … .

15. London is … on the banks of the river Thames.

16. The … is not so important in our work as the inner world and mind.

17. The people of the country … the president of the state.

18. This book is … to the memory of my friend.

19. Be quiet here, in the library. If you want to say something, say it in … .

20. To get to the station you have to cross the … over the river.

21. Sir Laurence Olivier is world … for his remarkable artistic achievements in the theatre and cinema.

22. A lot of cities and settlements were … by the fascist invaders in the Great Patriotic War.

23. Her extravagant behavior and deeds … attention of the press.

24. Admiral Nelson died in the … in 1805.

25. The range of destruction is … .


Дата добавления: 2014-12-04; просмотров: 1226;

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