Check the comprehension of the text and choose the variant, which you think is correct.
1. The Constitutional Court of the R.F. is the judicial organ of... .
a) distance control
b) pollution control
c) fuel control
d) constitutional control
2. The highest judicial organ for civil, criminal, administrative and other cases is...
a) District Court;
b) Military Court;
c) the Supreme Court;
d) the Constitutional Court
3. What court handles cases prescribed by federal law as a trial court?
a) the supreme Court of Arbitration
b) the Supreme Court
c) Military Court
d) District Court
4. District Court is a direct higher judicial instance for the Justice of... .
a) Justices of the Peace
b) Justices of the case
c) Justices of the King's Bench
d) Justices of the Supreme Court
5. Military courts are established according to....
a) the principle of mutual understanding;
b) the principle of profitability;
c) the international democracy principle;
d) the territorial principle
6. Military courts within their competence are intended to do the following, with
the exception of... .
a) to handle cases as trial courts
b) to exercise cassational reviews
c) to supervise over activities of the general courts
d) to exercise supervisory powers
7. What disputes does the Supreme Court of Arbitration solve?
a) political
b) economic
c) family disputes
d) marine
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Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; просмотров: 1149;