Political party signs in modern партологии
Not any group of the people organised for expression of their interests, it is possible to name party. The signs distinguishing party from other political forces, have formulated J. Лапаломбара and M.Vejner in work «Political parties and political development». They have allocated party four sign.
First sign: the party is the organisation, that is long enough time operating association of people. Long duration of action of the organisation allows to distinguish it from клиентелы, fractions, cliques which arise and disappear together with the inspirers and organizers.
Second sign: existence of the steady local organisations maintaining regular relations with a national management.
Third sign: the party purpose - a gain and power realisation. The aspiration to power realisation allows to distinguish parties from pressure groups. The purpose of parties - a power gain on elections, its realisation by means of work of deputies from party in parliament and the government whereas pressure groups do not aspire to power capture, and try to influence, influence the power, remaining out of its sphere.
Fourth sign: maintenance of national support, beginning from voting and finishing active membership in party. To this sign of party differ from political clubs which do not participate in elections and parliamentary activity. Definition of J. Лапаломбары and M.Vejnera it has appeared practical enough to explain logic of political changes on the basis of those roles and functions which carry out various political forces, and first of all parties. Possibly, the set of constituting signs of party could be added, for example, by ideological criterion: the party is the carrier of certain ideology, attitude.
The characteristic signs of parties formulated in J. Лапаломбара both M.Vejner, and distinguishing them from other forms of the political organisation, have not led to unequivocal definition of party in a modern political science. The most concentrated and successful, in our opinion, is the definition given by the French political scientist of the River-. Шварценбергером: «the political party is the continuously operating organisation existing both on national, and at local levels, aimed at reception and departure of the power and aspiring with that end in view to national support».
In the end of XIX century the German researcher V.Hasbah considered party as “the union of people with identical political views and the purposes, aspiring to a gain of the political power for the purpose of its use for realisation of own interests”.
В конце XIX в. немецкий исследователь В. Хасбах рассматривал партию как “союз людей с одинаковыми политическими взглядами и целями, стремящихся к завоеванию политической власти с целью ее использования для реализации собственных интересов”.
Political parties have essentially changed the policy world, having created new possibilities for influence of citizens on the power. The matter is that before the rights of voters "came to an end" together with end of elections. The selected candidate has not been obliged to submit to will of the voters at all. It was simply the representative of a society. With formation of parties the deputy does not use any initiative, and transfers will of party, leans against its support. As parties организованны so far as they have appeared repeatedly more effectively in questions of mobilisation of public opinion, representations and realisations of political interests of social groups.
Дата добавления: 2017-06-02; просмотров: 421;