Prepare the retelling of the text. Make use of the active vocabulary.
40. Make a summary of the text “The Rule of Law”
41. Match a word in A with a word in B to make a word partnership:
A | B | A | B | |
totalitarian democratic extraordinary remarkable unprecedented democratic dynamic liberal human annual political civil essential sovereign | degree survey aspirations government order reform criteria measure changes liberties freedom era surge state | global free apparent ultimate public precarious democratic innate collective iron imagined personal fundamental | population success values society policy laws principles desire practice wisdom democracy benevolence goals |
42. Study the meanings of the following words:
1. ally(n) - друг, союзник, сторонник; (Notice the shift of stress in the verb)
ally(v) – 1. ally with - a) соединять, объединять; устанавливать связь с (чем-л. / кем-л.); b) вступать в союз, объединиться; породниться; Syn: associate; 2. be allied to - иметь тесную связь; иметь общие черты.
2. submit- 1) подчинять (- ся), покорять (- ся) (to smb);
2) указывать, утверждать; 3) представлять на рассмотрение;
3. impose- 1) класть, помещать, Syn: place, set; 2) возлагать (руки при благословении), 3) облагать (налогом); налагать (ограничения, штраф); Syn: tax; 4) impose (on) - навязываться (кому-л.); 5) impose (on / upon) - всучить, подсунуть.
4. enforce- 1) a) принуждать, заставлять, вынуждать (к чему-л.), навязывать (кому-л.); Syn: urge; b) обязывать (кого-л.); Syn: compel, constrain, oblige; 2) a) проводить в жизнь; придавать законную силу; b) осуществлять, приводить в исполнение; 3) упрочивать, усиливать, укреплять.
5. subject- 1) тема, предмет разговора; 2) объект, предмет, дисциплина; 3) повод, причина для чего-либо; Syn: topic, ground, motive, cause; 4) а) субъект, человек; б) подданный, гражданин;
subject (adj) - 1) зависимый, подвластный, подневольный, подчинённый; Syn: dependent, subordinate; 2) подвержен-ный (чему-л.); 3) подлежащий (какой-л. обработке);
subject (to) (v) -1) подчинять, покорять (Notice the shift of stress in the verb);Syn: subjugate; 2) подвергать влиянию, воздействию; склонять (к чему-л.); Syn: expose; 3) пред-ставлять, вносить (документ);
43. Match the equivalents in both columns:
A | B |
faithful / staunch ally | задать вопрос в письменном виде |
to impose restrictions | жёстко принуждать |
to submit a question | временный союзник |
imposed settlement | представить третейскому суду |
to submit to arbitration | диктат |
ally of moment | налагать ограничения |
to enforce rigidly / strictly / stringently | касаясь чего-л. |
on the subject of smth. | верный друг |
44. Fill in the gaps with one of the words given in the box:
subject (2) / imposed / forced / allied (2) |
1. We ___ ourselves with our friends against the common enemy. 2. The sands are ___ to violent agitation from the action of the wind. 3. French is ___ to Spanish and other Latin languages. 4. He would no longer be ___ to the caprice of any woman. 5. The original settlers were ___ to submit to Bulgarian rule. 6. The shop-owner ___ upon them fake antiques. 7. The decision was theirs and was not ___ on them by others.
45. Translate into Russian:
A.1. They submitted their report to us. 2. He was forced to dismiss his closest political ally. 3. He allied himself with the forces of change. 4. He allied his racing experience with his father's business acumen. 5. They were forced to submit to military discipline. 6. A special tax is imposed on very high incomes. 7. He submitted himself to a body search.
B.1.I will only stay till Saturday as I have no wish to impose on you. 2. She realized that she had imposed on Mark's kindness. 3. While we are on the subject of money may I ask you about your last expenditures? 4. The teacher has no right to enforce his own views on the children. 5. The director was unable to impose himself on the production. 6. The role of the police is to enforce the law. 7. Mathematics is my favourite subject. 8. There is no outside agency to enforce cooperation between the players.
46. Make your own sentences with the phrases:
затрагивать тему | to address a subject deal with a subject discuss a subject take up a subject treat a subject |
47. Translate the following phrases:
dwell on a sore subject; exhaust a subject; traverse a subject; delicate subject; to tackle a subject; thorny subject; subject of the crown; ticklish subject; broach a subject.
48. Match a word with its definition:
ally | cause or force someone or something to undergo (a particular experience or form of treatment, typically an unwelcome or unpleasant one) |
ally something to/with | consent to undergo a certain treatment |
submit | exert firm control over smth / smb |
submit oneself | combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit |
impose | force an unwelcome decision or ruling on someone |
impose oneself on | accept or yield to a superior force or to the authority or will of another person |
impose | take advantage of someone by demanding their attention or commitment |
enforce | a branch of knowledge studied or taught in a school, college, or university |
subject | compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation) / cause (something) to happen by necessity or force |
subject | a state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose / a person or organization that cooperates with or helps another in a particular activity |
49. Read and translate the text:
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