A Glorious Past Secures a Better Future.
Once upon a time, there was an ancient network of trade routes thatspanned across a huge part of the globe, connecting the Asian continent – East, South and Western Asia – with the Mediterranean world, as well as North, Northeast Africa and Europe. Not only was there a massive movement of traded goods across these continents in the form of silk, spices, glassware and everything else, but it also came with a similar movement of a variety of people belonging to very different civilizations, who brought with them very distinct cultures.
What was significant about this spectacle was the existence of relative peace and prosperity between these different nations, and along with it, the nascent beginnings of diplomacy and an amazing interchange of cultures. This was the era of Hellenism, the Chinese contact with the Central Asian region, and the rise of Persia and Rome. It was an era where globalization took shape for the first time on an unprecedented scale in the history of civilization.
In the 21st century, the Silk Road has merely become a household name that refers to a group of disparate nations, polarized by colonial experiences and disconnected from each other by language barriers and political orientations. One of the few surviving common denominators that still bind a significant number of these nations together is the religion of Islam.
With the world changing ever so rapidly in recent years, the Silk Road nations are brought together once again through the advent of technology and mass media. The surviving denominator of Islam inevitably links together countries who speak starkly different languages and who have experienced completely different histories. Coupled with the vibrancy of international trade, traditional trading lines are once again reconnected and people are starting to know one another beyond their national fences. The Silk Road is now back in business.
However, in the pursuit of achieving a semblance of the Silk Road’s many bounties, one must not forget that a civilization is born out of a union of different communities, who not only come together through the necessity of business and trade, but more importantly through the union of its people; the old and the young, the rich and the poor, the men and women, the traditional and the modern. This is the biggest asset of every community which needs to be nurtured to its fullest potential in order to achieve the reintegration of the Silk Road nations in the next few decades.
In achieving this objective, nations need to invest in its people, especially the working class comprising women and the youth. It may be achieved through the benefit of education, leadership development, cross-border linkages in business and social work, and the unifying framework of international finance. The people and communities of the Silk Road nations can once again rise up to become competitive players in the challenging 21st century.
8. Study the meanings of these words:
1. disparate - несоизмеримый, несопоставимый;
Syn: discordant, incompatible, incongruous; Ant: consistent, consonant, harmonious, identical, similar;
2. nurture(n) - 1) воспитание, образование, обучение, тренировка; Syn: breeding, upbringing, training; 2) выращи-вание, заботы по воспитанию; Syn: tutelage, fostering;
3) питание, пища; Syn: food, fare, nourishment;
nurture (v) - 1) а) кормить, питать, насыщать; б) вскарм-ливать, воспитывать (детей); Syn: foster, cherish; 2) учить, обучать; Syn: teach, instruct, train, educate;
3. pursuit - 1) преследование, гонение, погоня; Syn: chase; 2) стремление, поиски; Syn: aspiration, striving; 3) занятие, дело, профессия; Syn: occupation; 4) преследование в судебном порядке; предъявление иска; Syn: prosecution;
4. asset - 1) ценное, полезное качество; 2) (assets) имущество, фонды, активы; 3) (assets) имущество обанкротившегося должника; Syn: facilities, funds;
9. Translate into Russian:
knowledge assets wasting asset
exempt assets charge on assets
bank assets assets pledged as security
assets of estate assets holdings
assets acquisition administration of assets
10. Match a word with its definition:
disparate | a cycling race in which competitors set off from different parts of a track and attempt to overtake one another |
nurture | an item of property owned by a person or company, regarded as having value and available to meet debts, commitments, or legacies |
pursuit | essentially different in kind / not able to be compared |
asset(s) | cherish (a hope, belief, or ambition) for a long time |
11. Translate into Russian:
1. They inhabit disparate worlds of thought. 2. The nine republics are immensely disparate in size, culture and wealth. 3. Scientists are trying to pull together disparate ideas in astronomy. 4. Disparate things are clearly different from each other in quality or type. 5 He fed them well, and nourished himself, and took nurture for the road. 6. He had been nurtured in contempt for the tales of priests. 7. My father nurtured my love of art. 8. The vigorous pursuit of policies is no guarantee of success. 9. Those whose business is the pursuit of knowledge are really often gifted people. 10. The cat crouched in the grass in pursuit of a bird. 11. His favourite childhood pursuits were sailing, swimming and cycling. 12. The high character which the corps has won is in itself a valuable asset.
12. Agree or disagree with the following statements:
1. A healthy society consists of a responsible government, dynamic business sector, and robust civil society.
2. Instead of complaining about the status of the world or the cruelty of the enemies, people of good will are committed to changing the world and winning their enemies over with love and mercy.
13. Study the new words:
1. to profess - 1) открыто признавать(ся), заявлять; утверждать, подтверждать; Syn: affirm, avow, acknowledge, confess; 2) а) изображать, притворяться; Syn: pretend, claim; б) претендовать (на); 3) исповедовать (веру); 4) заниматься деятельностью, избрать своей профессией;
2. worship - 1. 1) поклонение, почитание; Syn: veneration; 2) вероисповедание, богослужение, культ; 3) почёт;
2. 1) поклоняться, почитать; 2) боготворить, обожать, преклоняться; Syn: bow, adore, revere; 3) посещать церковь.
3. to observe - 1) а) наблюдать; б) замечать, обращать внимание; 2) (observe (up)on) сделать замечание, высказаться (по поводу); Syn: notice, remark; 3) соблюдать (законы, обычаи), твёрдо придерживаться, следовать;
4) праздновать, отмечать; Syn: solemnize; 5) проводить научные наблюдения.
4. to fast- 1. пост (временное воздержание от некоторых видов пищи, предписываемое различными религиями);
2. 1) воздерживаться от пищи, голодать; 2) поститься, воздерживаться от определённых видов пищи;
fast (adj.) -1. 1) быстрый, скорый; Syn: quick, prompt, swift, rapid; 2) неточный, спешащий; Syn: inaccurate, inexact;
3) крепкий, твёрдый; стойкий; Syn: strong, firm; 4) фри-вольный, легкомысленный, несерьёзный; Syn: frivolous, ribald;
fast (adv.)- 1) быстро, часто, скоро; Syn: quickly, rapidly, swiftly; 2) крепко, прочно, сильно; Syn: violently, strongly, fixedly, tightly, firmly; 3) близко, рядом; Syn: close, hard;
4) легкомысленно;
5. to pray- 1) молиться; 2) молить, просить, умолять, упрашивать; Syn: entreat, beg;
prayer(n.)–молитва, grace (перед едой и после еды)
Syn:supplication, petition (to the Supreme Being), entreaty;
6. to flee(fled, fled) – 1) а) убегать, спасаться бегством;
б) искать убежища; 2) а) исчезать, пропадать; б) пролететь; Syn: escape, vanish, disappear, fly;
7. to surrender- 1) сдавать(ся); капитулировать; 2) отказы-ваться (от права), уступать;Syn: relinquish; 3) признавать себя несостоятельным должником (в суде);
surrender(n.)- 1) сдача; капитуляция; 2) отказ (от чего-л.), уступка (чего-л.) Syn: capitulation; 3) а) выдача (преступника властям) б) препровождение (преступника в суд); 4) признание себя несостоятельным должником;
8. to preach- 1) проповедовать; читать проповедь;
2) поучать, читать наставления; Syn: advocate;
9. to enable- 1) давать право, делать возможным;
Syn: authorize, sanction, empower; 2) включать, запускать в работу; 3) приспособить, делать годным; 4) санкциони-ровать, давать разрешение, уполномочивать;
10. to distract (from) - 1) отвлекать, уводить в сторону; Syn: divert; 2) приводить в смятение, смущать, расстраивать; Syn: perplex, bewilder;
11. guidance– 1. руководство, заведование, управление;
14. Match the equivalents in both columns:
observe attentively / carefully / closely | быть пунктуальным |
observe a fast | соблюсти погребальный ритуал |
observe the funeral rites | пристально, внимательно следить |
observe the time | соблюдать пост, поститься |
Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 878;