Work in small groups and discuss the questions given in Exercise 27.

30. Translate into Russian:

to observe the fast of Ramadan; fundamental duties / principals of Islam; to perform duties; the final prophet; to meditate in a cave; to call upon smb; to become God’s messenger; to spread the word of Islam; the holy Ka’ba; to fast in the hours of daylight; to be forced to flee; to develop traditions and interpretations of the religion; in terms of population; to learn by heart; to pass smth on to smb; the creator of the world.

31. Answer the questions:

1. What does the Koran forbid? 2. What is the fundamental message of the Koran? 3. Why isn’t there a physical representation of God? 4. What are images, representing the religion, based on? 5. What does the Arabic word Islam mean? 6. Why is Mecca so important? 7. What do you know about Ka’ba? 8. Why is it important to observe the fast of Ramadan?

32. Match the English phrase with the most suitable Russian one:

1. It's no use preaching to a hungry man. a) Гусь свинье не товарищ. b) Пустое брюхо к учению глухо. c) Из песни слова не выкинешь.
2. To preach to the converted. a) Не красна изба углами… b) Гром не грянет, мужик не перекрестится. c) Ломиться в открытую дверь.

33. Complete the sentences:

1. The fast makes a person… 2. Through hunger …

3. The fast… 4. Thanks to the fast …

34. Make up sentences of your own with the following:

to reflect to represent

to spread to require

to enable to contain

to forbid to be forced

to call upon to surrender

35. Speak about the Koran using the “mind maps”:

36. Translate into English:

1. Коран, будучи священной книгой, отражает основные обязанности мусульман. 3. Его последователи раскололись на две ветви, так как не могли решить, кто будет их новым лидером. 4. Эта книга дает наставления человеку во всех областях жизни. 5. Пост способствует тому, чтобы отвлечь человека от повседневной рутины.

37. Complete your own “mind-map” about the fast:










38. Read and translate the text:

Nauryz Meyrami

Nauryz is a non-religious Kazakh folk celebration of the Vernal (spring) equinox and of the symbolic renewal of nature. Although the official calendar in Kazakhstan is being kept as everywhere in the world, Nauryz also remains a strong tradition in our country. In ancient times the beginning of the year was announced by the appearance of greenery. New Year in our area was called Ulystyn uly kuni meaning tribe or clan day. The tradition of reconciliation between relatives around a festive table, exchange of presents and good wishes was set for this day. It is believed that it originates from ancient Mesopotamia. In Babylon the New Year was celebrated on the 21st day of the month of the Nissanu (corresponding to March-April) with festivities held further 12 days, each commemorated with individual rites, amusements and performances.

The present day name of Nauryz derives from the Persian Novruz translated as a new day. The patient resistance to the winter hardships has come to an end, and now, with the coming of spring it is time to participate in the life-giving festival.

At its core, the Nauryz festival celebrates the awakening of Nature. This awakening symbolizes the triumph of good - the Spring, winning against the evil forces of darkness that are represented by the Winter. Nauryz is the point when the oppressive presence of the cold Winter finally begins to retrieve with the commencement of the lively and hopeful Spring. This symbolic and poetic change corresponds to the mathematical instance of the sun leaving the zodiac of Pisces and entering the zodiacal sign of Aries, also known as the Spring Equinox. Nauryz has a remarkable endurance and survival capacity through a long and dramatic history of Kazakhstan. It is certain to have been celebrated since pre-Islamic times but during the Soviet period, it was declared ideologically inconsistent and was “hushed-up”. It was formally reinstated as a public holiday in Kazakhstan in 1988.

Nauryz has many unique features. In the past it used to last from three to nine days. The Kazakhs today meet Nauryz at homes, in the streets, squares, parks and stadiums. They say “Koktem tudy” (spring is born) to each other. Various kinds of competitions are included in the festival program, such as horse races and hand-to-hand combats between stalwart fellows. The Aytis (a contest of two or more improvising folk poet-musicians) is a joyful competition of wit and poetic skill. And of course there are many songs, dances and games. One of the bright traditions that we meet in Abai’s manuscript is the “Nauryz-bata” or Nauryz blessing. To receive a blessing on this day from the lips of aqsaqals and aje (elderly people) is considered a big honour and sign of kindness. The Kazakhs call it“the great day of the nation”.

In spring people want to revive themselves both physically and spiritually, to liquidate their debts, to get rid of old unwanted things, to repair clothes, the house, water canals and wells. They ask for forgiveness for past wrongs, reconcile with neighbours, invite quests and present relatives with gifts. Everyone has to visit seven houses and invite seven guests to his home. It is believed that Nauryz’s night brings luck and realization of wishes. Therefore everyone has to greet it with clear soul and mind. All the vessels at home should be filled in with milk, grain or spring water so that prosperity never leaves your household. But Nauryz is not only about festivities and dastarkhan.

During the month you have to help the land clear its life-giving arteries – to clean natural and artificial water channels and chutes, water wells and springs sprinkling them with hallowed milk thus wishing fertility to Mother-land; it is time to start cultivation, planting and other agricultural work.

During the Nauryz holiday it is customary to share generously one’s dastarkhan (table). The main ritual dish of this festival is nauryz-kozheh. Nauryz-kozheh always includes seven ingredients, signifying the seven life-beginnings – water, meat, salt, fat, flour, cereal (rice, corn, wheat) and milk. They symbolize joy, luck, wisdom, health, wealth, growth and Heavenly protection. If milk symbolizes the New Year, the old year is symbolized by meat, particularly smoked meat from the reserves of the past year. The pot containing the nauryz-kozheh certainly has to be full to the brim to signify full life.

In each yurt (nomadic tent house) everyone would have their own recipe. The only rule for making it is the number of ingredients: seven. Other delicious meat dishes such as qazy, qarta, shujiq (lamb and horse meat delicacies) are served to the guests.

The central theme of Nauryz is renewal, cleansing, the coming of spring, and the birth of new life. Love and beauty run through numerous literary and scientific works of the geniuses of the Eastern Middle Ages: Al-Biruni, Mahmud Kashgari, Firdawsi, Alisher Navoi, and Omar Khayyam. Many verses have been devoted to this magnificent holiday in the works of the outstanding Kazakh intellectuals, such as Abay Qunanbayuli, Alihan Bukeihanov, Akhmet Baitursynov, Mirjaqip Dulatuli, Saken Seifulin and others.

This holiday is widely celebrated in the countries of Central Asia as well as in Afghanistan, Iran and Azerbaijan. Nowadays it is one of the most favourite holidays in Kazakhstan.

39. Study the meanings of the following words:

1. vernal - 1) весенний; Syn: spring; 2) молодой, свежий;

2. equinox - равноденствие; точка равноденствия;

3. rite– 1. обряд, церемония; Syn: ceremony, observance;

2. ритуал, церемониал; Syn: ceremonial rite;

4. reinstate - 1) восстанавливать (в прежнем положении, в правах); Syn: re-establish, replace; 2) восстанавливать порядок; 3) поправлять (здоровье);

5. commemorate - 1) почтить чью-л. память; устраивать, проводить мероприятия в память о ком/чём-либо;

2) служить напоминанием, ссылаться, упоминать;

3) отмечать, праздновать (дату);Syn: celebrate;mention;

6. retrieve (v) - 1) отыскать, вернуть себе; доставать, вынимать; восстановить в памяти, вспомнить; 2) извлекать (хранимую) информацию; 3) отдыхать, восстанавливать силы; Syn: recover, recuperate; 4) заглаживать вину, исправлять (ошибку); Syn: restore, revive, repair;

retrieve (n) - 1) а) поиск; б) обучение и серия упражнений по обучению собаки приносить хозяину предметы; предмет, используемый для этой цели; 2) исправление; восстановление; beyond retrieve; past retrieve;

7. commencement - 1) отправная точка, начало; 2) церемо-ния присвоения учёных степеней и вручения дипломов;

3) актовый день (в американских университетах);

Syn: beginning, start;

the commencement of the trial; a commencement address;

8. Pisces - 1) Рыбы (созвездие); 2) Рыбы - а) знак зодиака; б) человек, рождённый под знаком Рыб;

9. Aries - 1) Овен (созвездие); 2) Овен - а) знак зодиака;

б) человек, рождённый под знаком Овна;

10. stalwart(n) - 1) поборник, последователь, стойкий приверженец; Syn: partisan; 2) человек крепкого телосложения;

stalwart(adj) – 1) верный, преданный; Syn: loyal, reliable, faithful; 2) а) здоровый, крепкий, сильный (о человеке, животном) Syn: strong, sturdy, robust; б) храбрый, смелый; доблестный; Syn: brave, courageous; в) прочно сделанный, крепкий.

40. Translate the word combinations into Russian:

vernal season; vernal equinox; vernal flowers; autumnal equinox; rites of hospitality; pagan rite; religious rite; solemn rite; to administer last rites; to perform a rite; to reinstate patent; retrieve one's character; stalwart friend; stalwart supporter; stalwart smoker.

41. Translate the sentences into Russian:

A.1. An equinox is one of the two days in the year when day and night are of equal length. 2. In the Chinese calendar, the Spring Equinox always occurs in the second month and the Autumn Equinox in the eighth month. 3. His supporters failed in their attempt to reinstate her as a treasurer. 4. The union threatened strike action if Owen was not reinstated. 5. The governor is said to have agreed to reinstate five senior workers who were dismissed. 6. Thailand's prime minister announced his resignation today, but he is widely expected to be reinstated within a few days. 7. She says the public response was a factor in the decision to reinstate the grant. 8. There have now been 139 executions since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976. 9. The employee was reinstated with full payment for lost pay and benefits.

B.1. Keats' death is commemorated in a fine poem by Shelley. 2. A wreath-laying ceremony to commemorate the war dead took place in the park. 3. These dogs are trained to retrieve birds from the places where they fall. 4. I went to retrieve my suitcase.5. They saw a stone commemorating a boy who died at sea. 6. I retrieved my paper from the waste paper basket. 7. Nothing could retrieve his spirit. 8. Only great efforts can retrieve the firm from ruin. 9. The police hope to encourage him to retrieve forgotten memories.

42. Study the derivatives. Remember their meanings:

verb noun adjective adverb
------- ------- vernal vernally
reinstate reinstatement ------- -------
commemorate commemorator ------- -------
retrieve retrieve retrievable retrievably

43. Answer the questions:

1. Where does the present day name of Nauryz derive from? 2. When was Nauryz formally reinstated? 3. What do the ingredients of Nauryz-kozheh stand for? 4. What does the Nauryz festival celebrate? 5. What are the unique features of Nauryz?

44. Write the transcription of the following words:

folk vernal Babylon recipe endurance combat chutes reinstate Pisces [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] commemorate equinox arteries manuscript ancient realization pastures stalwart Aries [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ]

45. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

to originate ___ to correspond ___

to commemorate smth ___ to derive ___

to be represented ___ to be devoted ___

to be full ___ the brim to make peace ___

to be included ___ competition to be ___ odds

46. Match a word from A with its definition in B:

aytis Nauryz-bata dastarkhan nauryz-kozhe yurt table yogurt soup nauryz-blessing nomadic tent house a contest of folk poet-musicians

47. State whether the sentences are true or false:

1. It is considered a big honour to receive a blessing on the “Nauryz-bata” from the lips of a young man. 2. The Nauryz festival celebrates the awakening of Nature. 3. The awakening of nature symbolizes winning against good forces. 4. The central theme of Nauryz is renewal, the coming of spring, and the birth of new life. 5. In each yurt every housewife has her own recipe of Nauryz-kozhe.

48. Match a word with its definition:

Aries a reliable, hard-working supporter of or participant in an organization or team
commemorate the time when day and night are of equal length
reinstate a body of customary observances characteristic of a Church / a social custom, practice, or conventional act
commencement restore something) to a former position or state / give back a job or position which had been taken away from smb
equinox recall and show respect for (someone or something) / mark or celebrate (an event or person) by doing or producing something
retrieve get or bring (something) back from somewhere
stalwart the first sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters at the vernal equinox (about 20 March)
rite a large constellation / the twelfth sign of the zodiac, which the sun enters about 20 February
vernal the beginning of something / a ceremony in which degrees or diplomas are conferred on university or high-school students
Pisces appropriate to spring

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 1357;

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