Look through the text. Find other words to substitute the word “Nauryz”. Think about synonyms.

50. Complete the sentences:

Nauryz originates from  
derives from  
is celebrated  
is held (during/within)  
is connected with  
was declared  
was reinstated  

51. Use the given phrases to make word partnerships:

renewal of nature / New Year / change / the triumph of good / life-giving festival / of the vernal equinox / the end of the patient resistance to the hardships / of love and beauty / the coming of spring / of kindness


52. Find synonyms for the following in the text:

ceremony rebirth majestic solemnize reestablish gaiety benediction renovation   clarification dedicate prominent burdensome insult originate celebration holy  

53. Make a “mind-map” about various kinds of competitions:

54. State whether the – ing form is a gerund, a participle or a verbal noun:

the awakening of nature the coming of spring

writing a report preventing war

life-giving arteries corresponding to them

55. Reproduce sentences with the following:

bring luck and realization of wishes; to clear life-giving arteries; to prepare for the festival table; to correspond to mathematical instance; hallowed milk; to retrieve with the commencement of spring.

56. Match lines in both columns to make phrases:

ideologically remarkable survival evil oppressive hopeful mathematical zodiacal magnificent joyful hallowed forces capacity spring competition instance holiday endurance signs presence milk inconsistent

57. Make up sentences using the following phrases:

the holiday of reconciliation between relatives
the tradition exchanging kind wishes
the festival presenting relatives with gifts
the ceremony sprinkling water wells and springs with hallowed milk
the rite cleaning natural and artificial water channels and chutes

58. Make up sentences using the following phrases:

  winter hardships have come to an end
means (that) it is time (to participate / to plant / to cultivate)
  you wish prosperity to the household

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 950;

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