Schleiermacher’s translation concept
· derived from the Greek word ερμηνεύω (hermeneuo, “translate, interpret”), from ερμηνευς (hermeneus , “translator, interpreter”)
· Places its origins with HERMES, the mythological Greek god who was “the messenger of gods” and had to master the language of the gods, understand and interpret what these immortal beings have in mind, and translate and articulate their intention to the mortal beings
· Hermeneutics was initially applied to the interpretation, or exegesis, of Scriptures(A divine message must be received with implicit uncertainty regarding its truth)
· In its barest sense, hermeneutics can be understood as a theory, methodology and praxis of text interpretation
· As this working definition suggests, hermeneutics has three different layers of meanings and concerns
1) theory, which is concerned about the epistemological validity and possibility of interpretation;
2) methodology, which is concerned about the formulation of reliable systems of interpretation;
3) praxis, which is concerned about the actual process of interpreting specific text.
· 1) romanticist hermeneutics, 2) phenomenological hermeneutics, 3) dialectical hermeneutics , 4) critical hermeneutics, and 5) post-structural hermeneutics.
· Such categorization of the diverse hermeneutic systems into just five groups is specified by the variations of the structural components of interpretation itself, of which there are three: namely, 1) the interpreter, or the subject; 2) the thingbeing interpreted, or the object, which is either a text or a text analogue; and 3) the goal of the interpretive act, which is either truth or meaning.
Friedrich Schleiermacher (1768-1834)
· Universal hermeneutics
· Lecture Ueber die verschiedenen Methoden des Uebersetzens (1813)
· Article Genealogies of Translation Theory: Schleiermacher by Lawrence Venuti (1991)
· For Schleiermacher, “the genuine translator” is a writer “who wants to bring those two completely separated persons, his author and his reader, truly together, and who would like to bring the latter to an understanding and enjoyment of the former as correct and complete as possible without inviting him to leave the sphere of his mother tongue.”
· A. Berman calls attention to the hermeneutical paradigm introduced here, the emphasis on translation as the object of textual interpretation
Schleiermacher’s translation concept
· Schleiermacher in fact finds only two methods of effecting the target language reader’s understanding of the source-language “author”:
“Either the translator leaves the author in peace, as much as possible, and moves the reader towards him (PARAPHRASE); or he leaves the reader in peace, as much as possible, and moves the author towards him” (IMITATION)
· Schleiermacher privileges the first method!
· Schleiermacher intended that the goal of [romanticist] hermeneutics is to capture the author’s intention.
Дата добавления: 2016-08-07; просмотров: 908;