Romanticist Hermeneutics

Authorial Intention
Romantic system of interpretation





Martin Heidegger (1889 - 1976)

Heidegger believed that understanding was ontological; his major work "Being and Time" (1927): Language is the house of Being

"The Anaximander Fragment" - Early Greek Thinking: raises the question whether the fragment can speak to us after all these years? ... by being in tune with the language, a "bond" which is "broader and stronger, but far less apparent"

· Thus, man is the subject of language and disappears in it. Heidegger wanted language to speak for itself.

· For Heidegger, because of the relation between thinking and translating, and the relation of both to language, it is not thinker's words, but rather the translator's thought, that is translated when he attempts to render a text in his own native language. The resulting text is a recomposition of the original text, not the exchange of words between the vocabularies of two natural languages.

· Translation is viewed as an action, an operation of thought, a translation of our selves into the thought of the other language, ///

Дата добавления: 2016-08-07; просмотров: 366;

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