Lead in:

What do you know about UN?

What problems does it solve?

What activities does it provide?

Exercise 1

Read the text to obtain information on the topic.

UN’s Birthday

The name «United Nations» was devisedby United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and was first used in the «Declaration by United Nations» of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledgedtheir Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers (Germany, Japan, and Italy). The term «United Nations» denoted those countries that were allied against the Axis powers.

Soon after the end of the Second World War (1939-45), the United Nations was set up as an organization for maintainingpeace. 51 states signed its Charter –a set of rules which everyone can understand and which makes working together easier. The Charter of the United Nations was signed on 26 June 1945, in San Francisco, and officially came into force on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories.This day is now celebrated each year throughout the world as United Nations Day.

The UN has six official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish.

Topical vocabulary

The UN Charter устав ООН
The General Assembly Генеральная Ассамблея
The Security Council Совет Безопасности
UN Headquarters Штаб-квартира ООН
The International Court of Justice Международный суд ( в Гааге)
The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Управление Верховного комиссара ООН по делам беженцев
UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization организация ООН по вопросам образования, науки и культуры (ЮНЕСКО)
Devise(v) разрабатывать, продумывать (планы, идеи); выдумывать, задумывать, изобретать
Maintain(v) поддерживать, удерживать, сохранять, беречь, защищать:
Maintainance(n) поддержка
Pledge(v) давать торжественное обещание; заверять, обещать, клясться
Signatory(n) to a treaty подписавшаяся сторона, подписавшееся государство

Exercise 2.

Give the English equivalents to the following phrases:

1) впервые было использовано (употреблено);во время Второй мировой войны; представители двадцати шести стран; заверили, что их правительства будут продолжать;

2) совместная борьба против; вскоре после; ООН была основана (создана); сохранение мира; подписали Устав; вступил в силу; Устав был одобрен (ратифицирован) большинством; этот день отмечается; во всем мире.


Exercise 3.

Give synonyms:

1.To swear  
2.To support  
3.To carry out(obligations)  
4.To settle differences  
5.To remove  
6.To assist(the UN)  
7.To harmonize  
8.To provide security  
9.To obey  
10.To remove poverty  
11.To achieve goals  
12.To devise  
13.To be set up  
14.To keep (peace)  
15.An achievement  
16.In conformity with  

Exercise 4.

Comprehension check:

1. Who began to use the name «United Nations» in international relations?

2. What international document contained the name «United Nations» for the first time?

3. What countries did the term «United Nations» denote?

4. What countries were called the Axis powers?

5. What document is called the Charter of the UN? When and where was it signed?

6. When is United Nations Day celebrated in the world? Why?

Exercise 5.

Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 1367;

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