EXERCISE 2 Give the Russian equivalents to the following word combinations.
to be likely,to be fitted with, to play a major role, to bear witness, to have impact, to carry risk, to be heavily regulated, to be referred to.
EXERCISE 3 Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian. Write down five sentences in English, using these word combinations. Work in pairs: read your sentence and let your partner translate it.
gangue material, ore minerals, ore mineral grains, wind ablation, smelter stack, open pit surface technique, groundwater pollution, surface extraction, mineral extraction technology, population growth, surface run off.
EXERCISE 4 Match the key words with their definition. Translate into Russian.
The key words:
The definitions:
A)process of increasing the concentration of desirable properties in minerals, improving them in quality and value.
B)process of extracting a valuable material from an ore by heating.
C)valueless and undesirable material in an ore.
D)wearing away of a rock or glacier.
E)process of getting ore or oil from the deposit.
F)process of reduction to small particles by pounding or abrading.
EXERCISE 5 Complete the sentences translating the Russian words.
1. Many surrounding regions are evident to virtually (неконтролируемому) coal extraction.
2. Extensive mineral extraction is still the reason of worry in many countries due to (загрязнения окружающей среды) it causes.
3. Ancient extraction technologies (приводили к) serious environmental pollution.
4. Significant increase in concentration of (некоторых химических соединений) is observed in vicinity of local mineral deposits.
5. The mined ore is finely crushed (чтобы обеспечивать) concentration of the sought after ore mineral.
6. The process of extraction is strictly controlled (для того, чтобы снизить степень загрязнения) of the surrounding soils.
EXERCISE 6 Are the following statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false ones with the right information and discuss your answers with a partner.
1. Modern mineral extraction technology is heavily regulated in many countries.
2. Waste material is the greatest environmental problem.
3. Aerosols and gases can be deposited close to the source.
4. Geologists can define mineral deposits by concentration of some elements.
5. Mining and subsequent beneficiation of minerals do not affect the environment.
6. The major cause of concern is mineral extraction such as clays and silica.
7. Mineral extraction is a modern human activity.
8. Tailings are subject to wind ablation and can easily transported by surface runoff.
Дата добавления: 2016-05-25; просмотров: 1409;