Give the Russian equivalents of the following words and phrases.
Arms control, weapons of mass destruction, to be exercised through, the use of diplomacy, international treaties and agreements, arms race, military technologies, overall stability.
Exercise 3.
Give the English equivalents of the following words and phrases.
Вводить ограничения, производство оружия массового поражения, контроль за вооружением, не допускать (избегать) гонки вооружения, военные разработки, гражданское население, окружающая среда, стабильность, взаимная безопасность, контроль
Exercise 4.
Fill in the gaps using the words from the following(damage, spread, mutual security, violation and verification, overall stability, partners, arms race, the security dilemma, arms control, the use of diplomacy, participants, warfare, enforcement ) and translate the sentences.
1. Arms control treaties are used as ways to stop the …… of military technologies.
2. They limit the … …done by warfare.
3. Arms control aims at …….. between partners.
4. Arms control treaties have included terms on enforcement of … ..
5. Arms control treaties and agreements are often seen as a way to avoid costly…..
6. Arms control is meant to break……
7. ………. is meant to break the security dilemma.
8. Arms control aims at mutual security between … and …
9. Arms control is exercised through……..
10. Most agreements rely on the desire of the ……… to abide by the terms to remain effective.
11. Some treaties limit the damage done by …,…. especially to civilians and the environment.
12. ……… of arms control agreements has proven difficult over time.
Exercise 5.
Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions.
1. Arms control is a term for restriction …… the usage of weapons.
2. It is exercised … ….the use of diplomacy.
3. Arms control treaties have included terms … …enforcement of violations and verification.
4. Most international treaties and agreements rely …… the desire of the participants.
5. It aims ……. mutual security between partners.
6. Most agreements rely on the desire ……. the participants to abide by the terms to remain effective.
7. Enforcement of arms control agreements has proven difficult ……. time.
8. Most recent arms control treaties have included terms …….. enforcement of violations as well as verification
9. Verification is the process of determining whether or not a nation is complying …….. the terms of an agreement.
10. Arms control treaties and agreements are often seen as a way to avoid … …costly arms race.
11. Some limit the damage done ……. warfare, especially to civilians and the environment.
12. Nations may remain in a treaty while seeking to break the limits of that treaty as opposed … simply withdrawing … … it.
Exercise 6.
Дата добавления: 2016-04-26; просмотров: 1220;