Match the idioms with their Ukrainian equivalents given below.






a) сміх – кращі ліки c) ліки гірше хвороби e) хто рано встає, тому бог подає g) час – кращий лікар
b) терпіння – кращий порятунок   d) свою хворобу шукай на дні тарілки, помірність – мати здоров’я f) з’їдай по яблуку в день, та лікар не знадобиться h) не радий хворий і золотому ліжку

II. Listening


1. You are about to be informed on Healthy Lifestyle. Many doctors and scientists develop the sets of basic rules to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You will listen to 2 doctors’ recommendations. Read the list of possible rules to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For each item write a number from 1 to 10 according to your personal importance.

    Dr. Ozz Dr. Meschino
  to get regular exercise    
  to have Annual Medical Exam with Blood Test    
  to get enough rest    
  to keep good hygiene    
  to cut down on fatty food    
  to have a balance or a harmony, between your mind and your body    
  to prevent illness    
  a good diet, with lots of fresh food, not processed food with its preservatives and chemicals    
  a life-style without too much pressure and worry    
  a stress control    


2. Now listen to 2 doctors’ recommendations and complete the chart with each one’s list of basic rules to maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  1-st doctor (Dr. Mehmet Ozz) 2-nd doctor (Dr. James Meschino)


3. Go to ex.1 (pre-listening) and in columns Dr. Ozz and Dr. Meschino tick the items each one has mentioned.

III. Reading


Imagine that you have watched one of Dr. Ozʼs shows. Write a list of questions you like to ask Dr. Oz.


Read the text and inform the class if you find the answers for some of the questions from your list.

Dr. Ozʼs Secrets to Great Health

Thereʼs plenty for Dr. Mehmet Oz to feel good about these days. His TV show, The Dr. Oz Show, is an Emmy Award – winning hit, with an average of 3.5 million viewers daily. His wife, Lisa, and four children (ranging in age from 13 to 26) are flourishing. But now he has an extra spring in his step. «Youʼre happiest at age 50,» Dr. Oz says. «Youʼve worked out your issues and gotten past worrying. You can just enjoy the bliss of being in the game of life.»

Dr. Oz is 52, so he knows what heʼs talking about. For him, being in the game of life means that he remains passionately focused on helping Americans live better and longer. We asked Dr. Oz to share what he sees as the eight most important health habits to cultivate. Read on for some of his top tips.

Stretch first thing in the morning

«Stretching for 10 minutes every morning has a variety of benefits, including decreasing risk of heart attack, alleviating stress, and improving circulation. You can feel the effects in just 10 days. My morning stretch starts with my hips. If I canʼt touch my toes, I know Iʼm too stiff. Then I loosen up my neck, because thatʼs where I store tension...A lot of times Iʼll think, Iʼm too tired to do my sit-ups today. But after stretching for 15 seconds, I have the energy for them.»

Show up early

«Being 5 minutes late is a small thing that creates big stress, which in turn can cause chronic inflammation and high blood pressure. So many of us are hypertensive, but it comes from external stressors we place on ourselves, and those are adjustable... So the mantra should be “If youʼre not 5 minutes early, youʼre late.” That way, when unexpected things happen, you have a cushion.»

Harness your energy

«I have a lot of natural energy. In the classic Ayurvedic approach to healing, there are three categories, or doshas − vata [characteristics include a tendency toward overexertion, enthusiasm, easily tired], pitta [medium energy, enterprising, sharp intellect], and kapha [solid, calm, steady energy] − and many are a mixture of all three. Iʼm overwhelmingly pitta, which means Iʼm the kind of person who likes to move. But sometimes that urge borders on being unproductive because it turns frenetic. Thatʼs when my wife, Lisa, will pull me back and say, “No, do these 10 things right and leave the 11th alone.”»

Be a balanced eater

«If youʼre really craving a specific food, practice portion control. Acknowledge to yourself that the first taste is the best taste. Have a few bites, and then wash them down with a big glass of water. Get the taste out of your mouth, or else that drive to have more will continue.»

Increase intimacy

«So many of us run from intimacy by using hobbies, a job, or events that, on the larger scale, you know deep in your heart arenʼt nearly as important. Instead, try a new habit that links you. Write a thank-you note every night to someone − a teacher, a co-worker, a doctor, a friend, or your spouse


1. Match the words in bold to their meanings: entirely; personal problems or difficulties; a way of dealing with a situation or problem; a husband or wife; close familiarity or friendship; fast and energetic in a rather wild and uncontrolled way; develop rapidly and successfully; to try hard to develop smth and make it stronger or better; an advantage or profit gained from something; make (suffering, deficiency, or a problem) less severe; make or become smaller or fewer in size, amount, intensity, or degree; in succession; continue to exist, especially after other similar people or things have ceased to do so; make or become better; every day; to bring smth for example energy under your control and use it.

2. If Dr. Ozʼs lived in another country would he be as healthy as he is? Discuss it with your partner.

IV. Speaking Tasks

1. Express your opinion concerning statement said by Albert Einstein:
«I fear the day that technology will surpass our human interaction. The world will have a generation of IDIOTS.» Do you agree or disagree? Support your opinion with explanation. Also think of the influence which technologies have on our health.

2. You can see pictures where differences between activities nowadays and in the old days are shown. Look at each picture, name it and provide each one with the explanation.





Look at the pictures below and express your own opinion on the changes that have happened with arrival of technological era.


Dating your girl ... Sight seeing...




V. Grammar Check

Put the right modal verb into the space. There might be more than one right answer.

Must/mustn’t/ have to/don’t have to/ should/shouldn’t

1. You ________ make an appointment with the doctor if you have a stomach ache.
2. You _________ call an ambulance if you feel a little bit poorly during the night.
3. You _________ call an ambulance if you see a car accident and there are some injured people.
4. If you cut your arm very badly you ____________ go to casualty.
5. If you cut your leg very badly you __________ go to your doctor’s surgery.
6. If you have the flu you ___________ come to college.  
7. If you feel a little bit sick you __________ go to the doctor’s, you ________ go to the pharmacy.
8. You ___________ go to the doctor’s surgery for a check-up every month.
9. You ________ try and stop smoking if you have small babies living in your house.
10. You __________ have too much sugar or fat in the things you eat.
11. You ___________ pay for your prescriptions if you are a pregnant woman.
12. You __________ pay for your prescriptions if you have got a full time, well paid job.

VІ. Writing

1. Watch the film «4 rules for a healthy lifestyle» and copy these 4 rules mentioned in the film

2. Watch the film the second time and write the list of all objects and actions you see on the screen.

3. Compare all lists of rules for a healthy lifestyle mentioned in this unit and write your own list with comments.

Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 803;

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