Use the words in capitals to form a word that fits in each gap. Compare with a partner.

Brain change: two very different ways Teens who experience real thrills often feel 1) …………… afterwards. But in the search for a kick, some teens make the 2) …………… turn to drugs. People who use drugs may feel 3) ………………… and crave more drugs. To understand why, you have to look inside the brain. During an actual 4) ……………… experience, brain cells, or neurons, create feelings by sending and 5) ……………...chemicals called neurotransmitters. Teens who use drugs might experience a rush of 6) ………, too, but in their brains something very 7) ……………. is happening. Once in the brain, drugs of abuse are 8) ………. in size and shape to brain 9) ……………. or neurotransmitters. Because of that, drugs can 10) ……… fake messages. They may also cause floods of neurotransmitters. Most drugs of 11) ………… act on the brain’s 12) ……………… centre, so these fake messages and floods create 13) ……………. feelings. That’s how drugs, in a sense, trick the brain. Neurons respond to the floods of neurotransmitters by 14) ………. their chemical message system. Now, the brain doesn’t have enough, or can’t use, its own 15) ………….. chemicals to create normal feelings. The drug 16) ……. feels flat and even 17) ……………. «Kids who are using drugs may not find as much pleasure in 18) …………… out with their friends, or 19) ………… on a nice day,» says Dr. Spear. «So much of their behaviour is 20) ……….. toward finding more drugs.» When drug users search out drugs, even when they know it’s wrong, they are addicted. 21) ………….. is a brain disease; the brain is changed and does not function 22) …………….. The way out of addiction is through the hard work of 23) ……………..and therapy. SATISFACTION   DANGER DEPRESSION   THRILL RECEIVE CALL FEEL DIFFER SIMILARITY CHEMIC CREATION   ABUSIVE EMOTION INTENSITY     ALTER NATURE USE DEPRESSION HANG SWIM DIRECTION     ADDICTIVE NORMAL TREAT


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Bad Habits

Bad habits, addictions and healthy habits are subconscious behaviors formed through repetitions. People who have harmful habits are aware of the consequences and risks to their well being. They feel the pinch on their wallets. They also know others get irritated and annoyed being around them.

But as long as they are reluctant to give up the bad practice, they’ll allow their mental conditioning to have control over their lives. If they do quit, it’s temporary. They’ll get back to it again.

It takes about 21 days of determination and discipline to change or form a new habit. Some of these that have been ingrained so deep in the brain will take a lot longer. This is why there are support groups and tools to help people with addictive behavior. Some people can’t do it alone or have no willpower.

Smoking, drinking and drug addiction are the main pernicious habits of people.

Дата добавления: 2016-03-27; просмотров: 895;

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