Exercise 1. Read and memorize the words:
share | доля, часть |
output | выпуск (продукции) |
sour milk products | кисломолочные продукты |
high-technology processing | высокотехнологичная переработка |
to expand | расширять |
raw | необработанный |
to purchase | покупать |
technical reconstruction | техническое переоборудование |
to comply (with) | выполнять, осуществлять, исполнять |
unique | уникальный; исключительный непревзойденный, единственный в своем роде |
long-storage dairy products | молочные продукты длительного хранения |
initial processing | первоначальная обработка |
collection point | пункты приема (сбора) |
to indicate | показывать, указывать |
Exercise 2. Read the text once and give the most suitable title to it:
The share of the dairy processing industry in the total volume of output of the Russian food processing industry is second after meat and poultry processing amounting to 15%. The Russian dairy processing industry is developing due to a strong increase in the demand for dairy products over the last 3 years. It produces a wide range of products. All dairy products can be divided into the following types:
1. Milk and cream;
2. Butter;
3. Cheese of various types;
4. Sour milk products as yoghurt and kefir;
5. Ice-cream;
6. Canned dairy products (condensed milk);
7. Milk powder;
8. Curds.
Historically, major kinds of dairy products in Russia are milk, cream, butter and cheese. Almost all Russians – regardless of their income – consume milk and dairy products, despite the fact that retail prices are increasing. Growing demand can be observed for yoghurt, a new product on the Russian market based on high-technology processing. There is also a potential to expand the assortment of dairy products and export them to CIS countries. The main condition for a further development is the production of high-quality raw milk. As a result, large milk processing companies will be forced to purchase agricultural enterprises and invest in their technical reconstruction or to support the enterprises in purchasing new equipment through leasing or credit schemes.
The equipment in general has to comply with the following requirements:
· High productivity and economical for processing high-class products;
· Possibility of producing unique products;
· Quick service;
· Resource saving.
There are some factors obstructing the development of the milk processing sector:
· High degree of manual work;
· Absence of equipment for initial processing of raw milk at the collection points;
· Lack of refrigerating and storage facilities;
· Lack of specialized transport for raw milk transportation.
There is an actual need for modern equipment. And for such products as yoghurt, baby food or long-storage dairy products, companies not only need the new equipment, but also new technologies.
Leaders in Russian dairy products on the whole are the following companies:
1. Wimm-Bill-Dann;
2. Danone;
3. Parmalat;
4. Campina;
5. Ehrmann;
6. Petmol;
7. Ostankinsky molochny kombinat.
Milk-processing companies indicate that they pay more attention now to the packaging of their products, which together with quality, they consider the key success factors. So packaging equipment is not the last thing to be paid attention to in the competitive conditions of the market.
Exercise 3. Fill in the gaps with the necessary words:
1. All dairy products can be … into several types.
2. There is an actual … for modern equipment.
3. Milk-processing companies … that they pay more attention now to the packaging of their products.
4. Packaging of their products, together with …, they consider the key success factors.
5. Large milk processing companies will be … to purchase agricultural enterprises and invest in their technical reconstruction
need , divided, quality, forced, indicate,
Exercise 4. Match the parts of the sentences according to the text:
1. Major kinds of dairy products in Russia are… | 1. … due to a strong increase in the demand for dairy products over the last 3 years. |
2. Growing demand can be observed for yoghurt, a new product on the Russian market … | 2…. is second after meat and poultry processing amounting to 15%. |
3. The Russian dairy processing industry is developing … | 3…. companies not only need the new equipment, but also new technologies. |
4. For such products as yoghurt, baby food or long-storage dairy products,… | 4. … milk, cream, butter and cheese. |
5. The share of the dairy processing industry in the total volume of output of the Russian food processing industry … | 5. … a new product on the Russian market based on high-technology processing. |
Exercise 5. Make a plan of this text in a written form and then speak about equipment for dairy industry according to your plan.
Exercise 1. Read and try to guess the meaning of the words:
Milk, cream, balance, combination, tank, package, extruder, conveyor, crystal, emulsifier, stabilizer, to meter, bubble, to control
Exercise 2. Read and translate the text with the help of a dictionary:
Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 1099;