Comprehension Check of the Material Studied in the Unit 2


Task 1. Answer the questions using the material studied in the texts:


1. What are the main sectors of the Russian food processing and packaging equipment market?

2. Why has Russia regained its attractiveness for Western companies producing equipment?

3. What should Russian companies do if they want to produce products of higher quality?

4. Why is there still strong demand for foreign food processing equipment?

5. What does the major portion of imports belong to nowadays?

6. What companies are the main importers of the equipment for food processing industry?

7. What Russian companies specialize in production of the equipment for food processing industry?


Task 2. Speak about one of the companies producing food processing equipment, type of the equipment.









Exercise 1. Read and memorize the words and phrases:


to promote способствовать, помогать, содействовать; поддерживать
broiler-breeding factories фабрики по выращиванию бройлеров
attractiveness привлекательность
professional skills профессиональные навыки
re-equipment переоборудование
end consumer конечный потребитель
semi-finished product полуфабрикат
reliability надежность
reduction сокращение, уменьшение, снижение, спад
innovative новаторский, передовой, рационализаторский
to emphasize придавать особое значение; подчеркивать; акцентировать
assumption предположение, допущение
to confirm подтверждать, подкреплять, одобрять



Exercise 2. Read and translate the text:

The market of processed meat products is characterized by strong competition. There are over 3,400 producers of meat products in Russia. However, large Russian producers have only begun to develop and promote their brands.

According to Goskomstat, the following largest companies occupy 38% of the market:

1. APK Cherkizovsky 12 %

2. Mikoyanovsky MK 8 %

3. Tsarytsinsky MK 5 %

4. KampoMos 4 %

5. Omsky Bekon 4 %

6. Ostankinsky 3 %

7. Parnas-M 2 %


Russian poultry factories are divided into broiler-breeding factories and egg-producing factories. Broiler-breeding factories specialize in the production of poultry meat and processed poultry products. Presently, there are 166 broiler-breeding factories and 450 egg-producing factories in Russia. Large Russian agro-holdings are acquiring the strongest poultry factories and investing in their development and modernization. Among these holdings are:

1. Planeta Management 9 poultry factories;

2. Zolotoi Petushok Invest 7 poultry factories;

3. Agro-holding 6 poultry factories.


Key factors characterizing growth of meat and poultry processing are the following:

· Stable consumer demand for products;

· Growing attractiveness for investors;

· Strong market competition;

· Leading factories implementing modern technologies, which allows them to increase efficiency;

· Imports of meat and poultry products expected to decline by 30%.

But there are also some inhibitors:

· Obsolete equipment and technologies;

· Low professional skills of management and staff;

· No federal leasing of equipment to meat and poultry factories.

Thus, the necessity of providing the enterprises with the new up-to-date equipment and well trained qualified personnel is quite essential. This is the very important fact that large companies usually invest significant amount of money into modernization and re-equipment of the whole process to meet the increasing demand and requirements of the customers.

During recent years, such processed meat products have been especially popular with the end consumers:

1. Semi-finished meat products;

2. Sausages;

3. Canned meat with a volume increasing due to the production of baby food.

Essential requirements of meat and poultry products are:

· Price;

· Quality;

· Packages;

· Brand.

When asked about deciding factors for purchasing equipment, companies stated the following (with the decreasing rank of importance):

1. Reliability;

2. Reduction of production costs;

3. Quick service (spare parts, repair works);

4. Reputation of the company-manufacturer;

5. Country of origin;

6. Price;

7. Possibility to produce unique products;

8. Possibility to work with different raw materials;

9. Information support (documentation, training of the staff).

The development of innovative machines for the meat and poultry industry is based on the long experience and include such units and devices as:

- First processing machines

- Cut-up machines

- Filleting machines

- Deboners

- Cooking units

- Cooling units

- Conveying systems

- Special machines the meat processing

Almost all the meat and poultry processing enterprises note that they are “searching for attributes of a successful brand of meat and poultry products”. These enterprises plan to emphasize quality, freshness and ecological cleanness of their products in advertising campaigns, design of showcases and packaging of products. This confirms the assumption that Russian meat and poultry processing enterprises need packaging machinery for high-class packaging of branded products.


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences using the information from the text:


1. However, large Russian producers have only begun …

2. These enterprises plan to emphasize …

3. During recent years, such processed meat products …

4. This is the very important fact that …

5. Thus, the necessity of providing the enterprises with …


Exercise 4. Fill in the necessary prepositions:


1. The market is usually characterized … strong competition.

2. This sector is divided … several groups.

3. This factory specializes … production … poultry meat.

4. The necessity to provide the producers … the new equipment is quite essential.

5. The development of innovative machines for the meat and poultry industry is based … the long experience.


Exercise 5. Find in the text the information about:


1. The largest companies producing meat and poultry products

2. Key factors characterizing growth of meat and poultry processing

3. Meat products have been especially popular with the end consumers

4. The development of innovative machines for the meat and poultry industry

5. Deciding factors for purchasing equipment


Exercise 6. Speak about the main ideas of the text.


Exercise 7. Give the most suitable in your opinion title for this text.


Exercise 8. There are the names of the units of the complete pork butcher’s meat production line. Read them, translate if necessary and put in right order in accordance with the technological line.


Smoking chamber, crumbling machine, veins from meat separator, clipping machine, machine for mechanical taking casings off, vacuous stuffer, packaging machine, cardboard oiling machine, smoking generator shrinking machine, vacuous stuffer, chambers washing station, unscrewing sausages machine, cutter




Exercise 1. Read the article from the magazine World Fishing:


Frigoscandia’s DSI Portioner is an innovative poultry, fish and meat cutting machine which uses high pressure water jets controlled by software to “see” shapes and sizes and calculate an optimum portion for each boneless fillet.

Incoming fillets are fed onto a conveyor belt which passes them into the system through a light stripe. Two video cameras relay the data back to the system’s computer which creates a three dimensional image of the fillet and determines its weight based upon density. The computer then selects the optimum cutting patterns and direct rows of robotic waterjets to make cuts. The Portioner is capable of slicing 4,000 lbs of poultry per hour or 145 butterfly fillets per minute.

“The Portioner greatly increases productivity and also boosts yield by providing accurately cut portions and maximizing utilization of the raw product,” explains Duncan Lawson, managing director of Frigoscandia Food Process Systems Ltd. “The lack of any knives also makes the system more hygienic and safer than conventional methods of portioning”

The Portioner has been pioneered by Design Systems Inc. (DSI), a subsidiary of Frigoscandia Food Process Systems Ltd., which supplies freezers and refrigeration units and Stein batter and breading equipment, ovens and fryers. It is a part of the international AGA Frigoscandia group which provides food processing, cold storage and temperature-controlled transport throughout the world.


Exercise 2. Fill in the table using the information from the text:


1. The name of the company- producer  
2. The name of the device  
3. Products processed by this device  
4. Capacity  
5. Advantages  



Exercise 3. Prove the idea that this device is worth using and has a lot of advantages.



Exercise 4. Translate the article in written form with the help of a dictionary.





Exercise 1. Read and translate the article about a new device of AEW-THRNE Company producing the equipment for meat processing:




The revolutionary APC Slicer from AEW-THURNE slices irregular or uniform-shaped chilled, bone-in or boneless, meat products to constant weight portions at high speeds.

This high output slicer incorporates APC technology, producing up to 180 portions per minute, enabling a single operator to produce up to 680 kgs (1500 lbs) of weight-controlled portions in one hour. With automatic weight-controlled portioning and a superb cut, the APC Slicer provides maximum yields from its purpose-designed slicer blade impressively maintaining portion accuracy to 2-3% standard deviation on boneless product.

Users can also pre-programme the machine to cut a thicknesses from individual loins.

Of high quality construction, it is totally enclosed for improved safety.


Features and Benefits.

· This device slices wide variety of bone-in and boneless, chilled meat products to constant weight or constant thickness portions.

· Gravity feed system ensures the highest yields.

· It provides superb cut quality and product presentation.

· The Slicer has high output. A single operator can produce up to 680 kgs of weight controlled portions in one hour.

· It can work at different speeds: Up to 180 constant weight boneless portions per minute. Up to 216 constant thickness boneless portions per minute.

· It is very easy to use this Slicer with clear on-screen graphics.

· 99 product programme memories allow quick product changeover.

· It can be pre-programmed to cut a combination of up to 4 different portion weights or thicknesses from individual, irregularly shaped product.

· Checkweighter feedback can be added for increased accuracy and higher yields.

· Product and blade are totally enclosed for maximum safety.

· The device has robust construction with product contact parts in stainless steel and food grade materials.

· The Slicer is quick and easy to clean.

· The Slicer is CE certified and USDA approved materials.


Technical Specifications.


Net Weight 1000 kg
Blade Speed 50 rpm
Slice Thickness 2 to 50 mm
Portioning rate per min 180 – 216 portions per min
Constant Weight 90 to 180
Max. product area 150 x 95 mm
Product temperature range 0 to -6˚ C
Electrical Power 5kW
Air Consumption 840 l/min (max)


Notes: 1. USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) - министерство сельского хозяйства США

2. rpm (revolutions per minute) - (столько-то) оборотов в минуту

Exercise 2. Imagine that you are a representative of AEW-THURNE Company. Make a presentation of a new device for a meat processing enterprise. Prove that it’s really worth using for effective meat processing. Use the information from the text.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-29; просмотров: 819;

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