Подтема 4. Клеточные технологии репродукции.

Reproductive technology encompasses all current and anticipated uses of technology in human and animal reproduction, including assisted reproductive technology, contraception.

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) is the use of reproductive technology to treat infertility. This is today the only application of reproductive technology to increase reproduction that is used routinely. Examples include in vitro fertilization and its possible expansions.

• artificial insemination

• artificial reproduction

• cloning (see human cloning for the special case of human beings)

• cryopreservation of sperm, oocytes, embryos

• embryo transfer

• fertility medication

• hormone treatment

• in vitro fertilization (incl. intracytoplasmic sperm injection)

• preimplantation genetic diagnosis

In medicine and (clinical) genetics pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD or PIGD) (also known as embryo screening) refers to procedures that are performed on embryos prior to implantation, sometimes even on oocytes prior to fertilization. PGD is considered another way to prenatal diagnosis. When used to screen for a specific genetic disease, its main advantage is that it avoids selective pregnancy termination as the method makes it highly likely that the baby will be free of the disease under consideration. PGD thus is an adjunct to assisted reproductive technology, and requires in vitro fertilization (IVF) to obtain oocytes or embryos for evaluation.

Для преодоления бесплодия широко используются вспомогательные репродуктивные технологии:

- искусственная инсеминация,

- экстракорпоральное оплодотворение (ЭКО),

- интрацитоплазматическая инъекция сперматозоида в яйцеклетку,

- перенос гамет и зигот в трубы и матку.

Основной отличительной особенностью этих технологий являются манипуляции с гаметами вне организма человека, а целью – наступление беременности и рождение здорового ребенка.

Дата добавления: 2015-07-14; просмотров: 610;

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