Public class extends. SetListAdapter new this


Public onCreate

Super onCreate



SetListAdapter new this





Public onListItemClick





Things get a wee bit challenging when you realize that in everything up to this point in this chapter, never were we actually changing the itself. All our work was with the adapters, overriding and inflating our own rows and whatnot.

So if we want to take in any ordinary and “just work,” putting checkboxes on the rows as needed, we are going to need to do some fancy footwork. Specifically, we are going to need to wrap the “raw” in some other that knows how to put the checkboxes on the rows and track the state of those checkboxes.

First we need to establish the pattern of one augmenting another. Here is the code for , which takes a and delegates all of the interface’s methods to the delegate (from the sample project at

Public class implements



Public AdapterWrapper




Public getCount

Return getCount



Public getItem

Return getItem



Public getItemId

Return getItemId



Public getView


Return getView



Public registerDataSetObserver




Public hasStableIds

Return hasStableIds



Public isEmpty

Return isEmpty



Public getViewTypeCount

Return getViewTypeCount



Дата добавления: 2015-05-16; просмотров: 896;

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