ViewWrapper. And the result (Figure 9‑3) is what you would expect, visually.





If null








If null







And the result (Figure 9‑3) is what you would expect, visually.

Figure 9‑3. The RateListDemo application, as initially launched

This includes the toggled checkboxes turning their words into all caps (Figure 9‑4).

Figure 9‑4. The same application, showing a top‑rated word


…And Checking It Twice


The rating list in the previous section works, but implementing it is very tedious. Worse, much of that tedium would not be reusable except in very limited circumstances. We can do better.

What we’d really like is to be able to create a layout like this:


where, in our code, almost all of the logic that might have referred to a before “just works” with the we put in the layout:

Дата добавления: 2015-05-16; просмотров: 667;

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