Backbone. t is not merly the temporal pattern of gait sounds that identifies a mover’s behavior

t is not merly the temporal pattern of gait sounds that identifies a mover’s behavior. It matters which sounds are on the beat.

he feel of amusical rhythm does not depend solely on the temporal pattern, but on where the listener interprets the beats to be.

The Long nd Short of Hit (Encore)

eople are liely to make a between‑the‑steps gangly bang near the middle of a step cycle.

ff‑beat note most commonly occur near the middle of a beat cycle.

The Long nd Short of Hit (Encore)

eople are moe likely to make a between‑the‑steps gangly bang just before a step than just after. (“Long‑shorts” are more common.)

ff‑beat note more commonly occur in the second half of a beat cycle (just before the beat) than in the first half (just after the beat).

6. Measure o What? (Encore)

atterns of fotstep emphases are informative as to the mover’s behavior.

ime signatur matters to the identity of music.

Gangly Chrds

ait sounds hve temporal patterns and pitch patterns (due to the pitches of the constituent ganglies).

usic typicaly has rhythm chords.

Gangly Chrds

mover’s temoral pattern of hits is matched to the pitch pattern (because the pitches are due to the constituent gangly bangs).

hords (e.g.,as played with the left hand on the piano) have the same time signature as the rhythm.

Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 624;

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