Musical Ecounters
he generic ecounter tends to be around eight steps (two steps per right‑angle turn).
he constituet pitch hills in melodies tend to be roughly eight beats long.
4. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)
hanging Dopper pitches have little or no tendency to continue changing, consistent with Newton’s First Law of Motion (inertia).
hen melodic ontour varies, there is little or no tendency to continue changing.
5. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)
ore subtly, oppler shifts possess “momentum” only when falling by a small amount.
ore subtly, elodic contours possess “momentum” only when falling by a small amount.
6. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)
mall Dopplerpitch changes are more likely downward, and large pitch changes more likely upward.
mall melodiccontour changes are more likely downward, and large changes more likely upward.
7. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)
xtended segmnts of falling Doppler pitch are more common than extended segments of rising Doppler pitch (due to passing movers).
ownward meloic runs are more common than upward melodic runs.
8. Newton’s irst Law of Music (Encore)
ore proximal and thus louder, movers are more likely to undergo large downward Doppler pitch runs.
ouder portios of music are more likely to feature large pitch runs downward (compared to upward).
Дата добавления: 2015-05-08; просмотров: 768;