Answer the questions to the story.

a) What happened on board a 727 tri-jet at five o'clock on a late summer afternoon?

b) Who was locked in the washroom?

c) What was the position, altitude, departure and destination points of the 727 tri-jet?

d) What were the demands of the hijacker?

e) How much was the ransom?

f) Who was the hijacker? Describe him.

g) What was Captain Littlejohn given by the New Orleans Security?

h) What did Captain Littlejohn say to the passengers of the airplane before landing?

i) What happened on the ground at the Jacksonwille Airport?

j) What were the demands of the hijacker after the plane departed the Jacksonwille Airport?

k) What really happened on board the 727 tri-jet?

Take the parts of the characters of the story and try to dramatize it.

1) Captain Littlejohn and Clarisse;

2) Captain Littlejohn and the New Orleans Tower;

3) Captain Littlejohn and the New Orleans Security,

4) Captain Littlejohn and the Jacksonwille Security;

5) Captain Littlejohn and Clarisse again;

6) Captain Littlejohn, Clarisse, Milly, the radioman, the co-pilot after the incident.

Nouns that go together. Match a line in A with a line in B. (The stress is on the first word in all the combinations).

wash case
radio belt
seat board
snow room
attach plough
air card
notice corridor
landing man
run pass
boarding way
shuttle tanker
fuel bus

Take the parts of the author, Captain Littlejohn, Clarisse, Milly, the radioman, the controller of the New Orleans Tower, the representative of the New Orleans Security, the representative of the Jacksonwille Security, the co-pilot and read the story in parts.

6. Translate into English:

Свет вспыхнул на пульте внутренней связи командира.

Командир заговорил в микрофон.

Он хочет, чтобы самолет следовал в Джексонвиль для дозаправки.

У нас топлива больше, чем достаточно.

Она говорила неуверенно.

У нас воздушный террорист на борту.

Командир взял микрофон.

Какой размер выкупа?

Он хочет, чтобы самолет приземлился в конце взлетно-посадочной полосы в Джексонвиле, как можно дальше от вокзала.

Пассажиры могут покинуть самолет.

Мы хотим, чтобы нам разрешили посадку в Джексонвиле при любом направлении ветра.

Все внимание было обращено на пилотирование самолета.

Самолет начал терять высоту.

Командир взял на себя задачу информировать пассажиров.

Из-за неблагоприятных погодных условий мы вынуждены произвести посадку в аэропорту Джексонвиль, Флорида.

Представитель авиакомпании объяснит причину задержки и организует любую необходимую транспортировку.

Мы сожалеем об этом неудобстве.

Он хочет, чтобы дверь, расположенная сзади, оставалась закрытой снаружи.

Командир вывел самолет в горизонтальный полет, следуя на расстоянии одной мили от берега.

Пилот ввел самолет в крен.

Он хочет, чтобы мы зашли в кабину экипажа перед тем, как он прыгнет.

Второй пилот не обращал внимания на жалобы.

7. Here are 12 words that appeared in Unit 8 and 9 and the explanation to them. Find the words according to their explanation.

CAREFUL! Two words are NOT used!


transportation knot taxiway
shuttle bus GPU threshold
maintain refuel tri-jet
holding point parachute touchdown

a) location where the aircraft wait for take-off clearance;

b) point where the nominal glidepath intercept the runway;

c) stay at the same level or speed;

d) nautical miles per hour, used to measure the speed of the wind;

e) beginning of the runway;

f) jet aircraft having three engines;

g) vehicle used for electrical power at the parking stand;

h) carrying (goods, persons) from one place to another;

i) cause a plane to be filled up with fuel;

j) it takes passengers to the plane.


load cruising level identify
show plough intersection start up
push back terminal catering truck
observe parking stand stand by

a) level maintained for the most of the flight;

b) vehicles used to clear the tarmac on winter days;

c) see and notice; watch carefully;

d) place/point where two roads cross; crossroads;

e) push an aircraft backwards, away from the terminal;

f) switch on engines;

g) building at an airport or in a town where air passengers arrive and depart;

h) controller gets to know which ‘blip’ on his radar screen is the aircraft he is talking to;

i) another word for ‘cargo’, especially heavy;

j) wait until the controller calls you again.


Дата добавления: 2015-01-13; просмотров: 1491;

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