Look at the pictures and write down the number that corresponds to these words.


____________ terminal building ______________ holding bay/area

____________ intersection ______________ high-speed turn-off

____________ satellite ______________ runway

____________ tower ______________ holding point

____________ jetway ______________ passenger steps

____________ taxiway ______________ threshhold



Look at. the list of phrases in the table which describe different vehicles found at an airport. Match them with the list of vehicles under the table, and write in the names of each vehicle

it helps you not to get lost  
used at push-back  
used for electrical power at the parking stand  
for extinguishing fires  
to clear the tarmac on winter days  
it carries fuel  
it carries food  
it takes passengers to the plane  
like a huge bus which rises to the level of the door  

shuttle bus catering truck

fuel tanker snow plough

GPU (ground power unit) fire truck

FOLLOW ME van tug

mobile lounge


Дата добавления: 2015-01-13; просмотров: 1188;

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