XIII. Read Text B' and translate it without a dictionary. Retell its contents by 3-4 sentences.


Bubble memory is a storage for programs and information. It is astorage technology which combines both semiconductor and magnetic recording techniques to create a solid state storage device.

Bubble memory is unique, because it is a disk that doesn't spin. The bits on the surface spin around the disk instead. Bubble memory units are only two square inches in size, and contain a thin film recording layer. The bits, called bubbles of their globular shape, are electromagnetically generated in circular strings inside this layer. In order to read or write the bubbles, the strings of bubbles are made to rotate past the equivalent (the string of bubbles) of a read/write head in a disk.

Bubble memory holds its contents without power, like disk and tape. It is considerably faster than floppy disks and many hard disks. It is often used in portable terminals and computers instead of disks.



1. bubble memory - память на магнитных доменах (пузырьковая память)

2. techniques - технические приемы

3. solid state - полупроводниковый

4. to spin - вращаться

5. their globular shape - их округлая форма

6. string - цепочка; последовательность

7. considerably - значительно

8. portable terminals - портативные терминалы


Дата добавления: 2015-03-11; просмотров: 1128;

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