VII. Образуйте Participle II от глаголов, данных в скобках. Полученные словосочетания перепишите и переведите.
Model: a (to write) article – a written article – написанная статья.
1) a train (to control) by automatic engine-driver; 2) the (to obtain) result; 3) a (to destroy) bridge; 4) machinery (to produce) at our plant; 5) a (to propose) project; 6) equipment (to install) in the laboratory; 7) a (to test) method; 8) a terminal (to upgrade) last year; 9) a railway (to build) for high-speed passenger traffic; 10) a (to repair) section of track.
VIII. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle II в функциях определения и обстоятельства. Подчеркните причастия II в английских предложениях и в переводе.
1. The first steam engine invented by James Watt was installed in a machine at a large mine to pump out the water. 2. The mechanic said that he had replaced the broken part of the engine. 3. When heated by sun, the rails become longer. 4. This engine radically differs both in construction and operation from the engine designed 5 years ago. 5. The Disneyland train called “the Excursion” was built especially to carry visitors through the Grand Canyon Diorama.
IX. Перепишите предложения. Задайте общие вопросы и специальные вопросы к подчеркнутым словам.
1. The load weighs a hundred kilograms. 2. The windows in this car are made of unbreakable glass. 3. Each passenger must fasten the belt when the plane takes off or lands. 4. The Japanese company developed the first pocket-size color TV set. 5. Many bridges cross the river Thamesin London. 6. In summer we are planning to go on a cruise along the coast of the Black Sea. 7. The accident has happened due to careless driving.
Дата добавления: 2014-11-29; просмотров: 2504;